Chapter 11: What keeps you tethered to the ground?

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In a bar, Shigaraki watched as Toga begged Kurogiri to make her a cup of tea so that she could try out the idea that Midoriya had suggested. Kurogiri was less than excited at the prospect of watching the girl pour blood into his tea and thus, into his precious teacups. Teacups that he'd prefer to be held by a green-haired freckled boy that looked so peaceful when he held them.

That image was not something he wanted to be tainted by Toga, no matter how much she pleaded. If he was going to give her tea, she would simply have to drink it out of a shot glass. Kurogiri's teacups were only for Midoriya and Kurogiri himself.

Magne took a seat next to Shigaraki and they both watched as Toga started to throw knives and try to stab Kurogiri. The whole time asking him to make her tea while Kurogiri avoided the blades. Twice was on the sideline saying things along the lines of 'please stop' and 'stab the misty man, stab!'

"How do you think the little guy is doing right now?" Magne asked.

Shigaraki thought how the hero student should still be in school at the moment. How he was surrounded by heroes and students who were trying to be heroes.

When they had let Midoriya go, they had all seen the light in the boy's eye disappear. They had heard his less than enthusiastic reasons as to why he had to go. They remembered how Midoriya had panicked and tried to run when he ranted about Endeavor. They remembered how tired Midoriya was when he arrived and how he still looked tired when he left.

An uncomfortable sensation settled upon Shigaraki and he felt the need to scratch his neck again. "I don't know."

"I hope he is doing well at UA,"  Compress said from his spot on the couch, "He had even let me show him my beautiful masks and was quite respectful, unlike you heathens."

Mr.Compress's comment was ignored and an anxious silence settled upon them.

"He's at UA, he should be fine, right?" Spinner asked, clearly not sounding sure.

No one was able to give Spinner an answer.

Everything about Midoriya had screamed 'not fine'.

Everyone in the bar knew it.


"Aizawa-san, could you please let go of my arm?" All Might asked, eyeing the capture weapon that Aizawa had yet to release.

"Why? So you could go and cause more damage to my student, all the while without even realizing it?" Aizawa said.

"Damage? Midoriya was fine and I do-"

"Fine!? Is a boy who looked like he was about to pass out fine!? Is pitting him up against Bakugou, who you know always takes it too far with Midoriya FINE?" The underground hero seethed.

As All Might tried to ineffectively calm down Shouta, Recovery Girl turned to Nedzu. The mammal seemed to be completely fine watching the number one hero get yelled at by Shouta.

Recovery Girl's scowl continued to deepen, "Aren't you going to do something?"

"I don't see why I would," Nedzu said to the nurse.

Both All Might and Recovery Girl looked at him with shocked looks, "But surely Aiza-"

"Aizawa is completely correct. And although I would not resort to yelling and a capture scarf, I feel that Aizawa is doing a good job of pointing out the issue here."

"The issue being..."

"Oh," Nedzu chirped, "Yagi-san's ineffectual teaching that has endangered the students of my school."

Nedzu's smile did not disappear even as All Might coughed up blood and Aizawa pulled back his capture weapon in disgust.

"All Might," Nedzu addressed the man, "I know that the hero commission wants to keep you here teaching at UA, but I will have to make some changed in order to prevent incidents like this from happening again. I know it is important for you to teach, but you will have to agree to these changes in order for that to continue."

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