Star Gate

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(Before,I want to say you want thing.You can ask to me why Thalleous and Galleous return.This is the answer:Guys almost all of them on the fan fictions Thalleous and Galleous will die.But i am changining the story.But i can clear them on the story but I dont want really to do that.And i will explain in the next part how Galleous espace in the Ataraxia on Second Great War.)

Kay espacing from the base.He was tired and very hungry.He don't know anything.What should he do?Ummm.He don't know.Suddenly he dropped.
A cat was looking to him.Kay shouted.
-What?!See?I am lost!
But cat didn't care him.It was looking a house.
-Wow!It is a house?!It's amazing!
Cat is agree with him.First looked around then it is came in.Felina laughed.
-So?Our new base is here?
Cat is confirmed and began poking at the meat on the plate.
-Is it an apple?
Cat looking him.As if it said"Of course you silly!".Kay took an apple and turn to cat.
-I think we are a great team!Right?
Osk is caring on the her new project.She was very tired and she need a new hammer.She called to Galleous.
-Galleouss.Can I borrow a hammer?
But as if Galleous didn't care the Osk.He is looking a book about the Star Gate.
Osk comed near.
-Hi!What are you looking for?
-Star Gate.
Osk's eyes was shining.She shouted.
-WHAT?!STAR GATE?!Are you believing really?
-THATS PERFECT!We can search The Star Gate together.
-Ummm.So.I dont know.Should we-
-Of course man!Trust me!And we can clear the Death danger from the Ardonia.Ahhh.Wouldn't it be amazing?
-Uhh yeah.
-So?Where do we start?
-You can search Meridian.The peoples say in there it can be interesting evens.
Actually Galleous very scared because he don't like visiting the places.
-Umm Osk.Would like to go Meridian alone?
Ria was waiting Senn for talk.
-Hi Senn!How did it go?
-Perfect.You should see the fox tail.It was Amazing.
-It's great but we need to talk some things.
-What do you mean?
-Ahhh.How can I say.
-Which even about your talking?Death?
-What?Nooo.It isn't.Please guess i am shaming.
Senn suprised.Thalleous came in and intervened.
-Ria wants to share her feelings for you.
Ria shouted.
-THALLEOUS!I could say!
-Too latee.
-Ughh.Go away.I need to talk.
-Okay lady.I am going.
Senn said.
-I understand now.
Ria was very embarrassed.
-I sorry.Bu-
-No.You could say suddenly.You didn't must wait to talk.
Ria is smiled.
Lira is talking with Lucan and Niika.
She told what happened to her.And explained Masani.And her crimes.(Masani's had some crimes but it wasn't important so she wasn't go to prison.)
Niika agreed.
-Okay.So.What you will do?
-I don't know.My house is gone.My family is gone.Maybe I can back to the Felden.
Niika looked to Lira then sighed.
-Fine.Lets found skeleton army.
-Skeleton army?!
Kay and cat is near the stove.They are warming.
-Hımm.You need a name.
Cat looked to Kay.
-Aha!Que?Or should I say Weapie?
Cat said "Meowww".
-Hımm.Okay!Your name is...
Kay smiled and shouted.
Que hummed cheerfully then she sat near the Kay's legs.
-Do you know Que?I am a orphan.
Que don't understood.She looked him.
-Yes.I am a orphan.My sister is orphan too.And...Our parents...Killed.I don't know who killed my parents.But whenever I found him or her I will kill.
Que confirmed.
-How about yourself?
Que just close her eyes.Kay asked again.
Que slept.Kay sighed.
-Ugh.Okay.Now I am alone!PERFECT!
A magnorite walking to Ataraxia.Please guess.Of course Igneous!He saw Mel so he waved hand to Mel.Then he entered the workshop.
-Hello Galleous!How is it going?
-Oh Hi!Great.
Osk very suprised.She thought up to the present always Galleous don't like magnorites like his brother Thalleous but now she is leraning different.(Thalleous don't like Malakai.But he can talk the other magnorites.)
Igneous turn to Osk.
-Hello Osk!
-Umm.Hello there.Are you Igneous?Senn's friend right?
-Yes I am.
Osk confirmed.
-I knew.But everyone think you are die.
-Yes but...I was about to die.But Galleous saves me.
Galleous chuckled.
-Hang on.I just helped.
Igneous smiled.But then he scowled him eyes.
-Did you hear about Death stories?
-Yeah I heard.
Osk said excitedly.
-We searching The Star Gate!
Igneous was very suprised.
-Ohh.Was it?
-Galleous.Is it true?!
Galleous smiled.
-Come on.I love making things with Osk.
Igneous laughed.
-Oh so are you and Osk...Heroes?
Galleous shouted.
Osk is opened her eyes.Where is she?Oh yeah last night she was in the workshop.
She heard some sounds.Fight?She looked her hand.Blood?WHAT?!A hand touched her shoulders.
-Whats going on?
The hand is it felt like stabbing Osk.Osk scramed.But she isn't her sound.Then a redstone head kick hear.Osk is drop down.She start crying.And one thing start laughing.She heard her name.
The sound is coming in the darkness.
Osk looked around.Then...
-Osk!Wake up!
Galleous was near.Osk scaremed.
-What happened?
-I-I don-n-tt kn-o-w.
Galleous sat to near.
-Are you right?
-I saw a dream.
-Bad dream.
-Very very very bad dream.
-What happened in there?
Osk shaked.Galleous:
-Calm down.I am here okay?
-Firs-st I looked my had.There was so so blood.
-Than a hand touched my shoulders.I feel very bad.Then I saw a redstone had.It always kicked me.I dropped.A sound laughted.Then...I hear your sound.Thats all.
Thalleous shouted.
Timber looked the ardoni champion
He looking very angry.
-Why looking me?Second body.So?Do you don't remember?
Timber refused.
-Fine.Can I explain?THIS IS HALT!Maybe Galleous guessed before from me but I know now.Did you heard shrill voice 5 days ago?
Timber refused again.Thalleous:
-Hang on!Lets contiune.
Senn is sighed.
-Ohhh.So so great!Thalleous leaved again.
Ria laughed.
-Bruh,I don't care that man.
-Okay remember who trained us?
-Ahhh.OK.You win.
Kay was sleeping with Que.But they heard a knocking sound.
-Shhhhh.Can be Lea?Or Death?Lets hope
it isn't Halt.
Que didn't care.
-Come on!What are you think?
Que refused.Or should we say"Nothing".
-Hımmmm.Okay.I not will open.
-Can you open the door please?
Kay called.
-I am Roary Prenze.Thalleous's friend.Please open.Thalleous assinged me to found you.(I am not writed that even.)
-Thalleous?Ardoni champion right?
-Yes.Can you open?
-I don't know you.I am kidnapped 4 days ago.
-Trust me.
-Noooo.Please understand me.
Roary thougth.If she wants to him open the door.Refuse?Yeah.So?What should she do?
-Hey.Do you know the password?
-Okay.If I say-
-I will open.
-Thats great.Jacky Snake Open Slide.
Kay suprised.How can she know password.So all real.She is Thalleous's friend.Kay open the door.Roary smiled.
-Hello there!I am Roary Prenze.
-Hi.I am Kay.
-Nice to meet you.
Roary looked around.
-Are you hungry?
Kay looked to food chest sadly.He ate all of them.
-Okay I am bring 3 chest.
-WHAT?!You can't carry all of them.
-I have a horse.Come here Capie.
Roary whistle.Capie came.
-This is Capie.Ohhh.Do you have a.Cat?!Thats great.
Kay confirmed.
-So?Yeah.Umm.How should I say?Do you know your sister Vinda right?
-OF COURSE!I love her.She looked me my parents died.I am a orphan.
-Uhh.I am sorry.Ahhh.Kay.Vinda is...
-She lost.
-Uhh fine.She...
Roary swallowed.
-She is.
Kay fell to his knees.He start crying.
-MY SISTERRRRR!What they want for her????
-Sorry Kay...
Roary huged him.
Thalleous decided.
-I swear on my honour, Timber, this will not happen.We are going to Ataraxia.
Timber very very suprised.
-I am going to.Talk with my brother.
Timber is looked to Thalleous.This is mean"Oh so great!Again fight."
-Just I am going to warning him.I am anyting say to him.
Timber was relaxed.
Galleous talking with Osk.
-Lets forget that.
Osk confirmed.
Thalleous close from Ataraxia.He saw Mel.Thalleous:
-Hi Mel!Galleous is on him workshop right?
-Yes.What's going.
-Nothing.I am searching Death.
Mel suspect.
-Uh oh.Was it?
-Okay.Good bye.
-See you soon.
Thalleous entered the workshop.
Galleous looked him suspiciously.Osk smiled.
-Thalleous?What are you doing in my shop?
(UHH One of the most exciting parts at the end.)

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