14. Apology

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"I am not surprised by the turn of events. I would have done the same if I were him," Saifah said staring at his friend, who was drowning his sorrow in alcohol.

His twin grabbed his hand and squeezed it, shaking his head as if asking him to shut up.

Zo chugged down a whole row of vodka shots in one go.

After dropping the bomb during lunch and having handed them a copy of their agreements, Nai had left the Boonruang family mansion for his work.

Zo, who had been completely devastated by the news, came to seek refugee with the Wongsrisai twins.

"Don't try to stop me today, Lom. Someone has to hammer something useful into his stupid head," Saifah whispered to his twin.

"But you are only making things worse," Sailom whispered back. "Go easy on him na."

"Why does he have to do this to me? Just why!?" Zo drunken screamed. "Fah, Lom, tell me why he doesn't want me?"

"He already made his reason clear, Zo. He thinks that you are straight. He doesn't see a future in your relationship," Saifah answered Zo's questions.

"BUT I AM NOT STRAIGHT!!!" Zo yelled at the top of his lungs as he slammed the empty glass on the counter.

The twins had to cover their ears to protect them from the loud shout. 

"Shimmer down, Dammit!" Saifah glared at his friend.

Zo looked at his angry friend and sat back down on the couch he was standing on. He looked like the kinder garden student who got scolded by his teacher. He seemed to be on the verge of bursting into tears.

Sailom could see the impending headache coming his way. His twin could be scary when he was mad, and his friend would be very annoying when he was drunk. One would never want both of them together. Yet today, he was given the golden opportunity to experience both at the same time. 

"On a serious note, what makes you think that you are not straight, Zo? You have never dated a guy nor have you slept with one. Why on earth do you claim that you are not straight?" He asked.

"Because my husband is a guy and I love him!" Zo slurred.

"Woah, Buddy! Love? That's a big word to say when you don't even know him properly." Saifah snorted. "You are just attracted to his looks."

When it came to love, he was a little old school. He believed that the attraction one felt when they meet somebody was not love. According to him, love was something that was cultivated within themselves after getting to know the other person inside out.

A mere infatuation that one felt due to someone's external appearance couldn't be labeled as 'love' in Saifah's dictionary.

"What's wrong with being attracted to his looks? Isn't my husband good-looking?" Zo questioned, crawling up to his friend.

"Yes, he is good-looking." Sailom pulled Zo away from his twin. He couldn't guarantee that his twin wouldn't throw a punch if Zo kept pestering him like that.

"He is so good-looking. He is so intelligent. He is so perfect. How can I not be in love with him?" Zo wailed feeling bad for himself.

"It is because he is perfect that he doesn't need you," Saifah commented.

"Fah! Shut Up!" Sailom commanded in a low voice. "Stop adding fuel to the fire."

Saifah rolled his eyes and turned away. Zo's arrival had ruined his plan to go clubbing and find someone for the night.

His twin already had someone in mind and Zo was married. He was the only one running around like a headless chicken.

He needed a release. Thanks to Nai's agreement, his plans went down in drain. This was what had pissed him off so much.

"I don't want to get a divorce! I will never divorce him!" Zo declared loudly.

"If you don't want to get divorced, go home and talk to your husband instead of getting wasted here," Saifah was slowly reaching his limits.

"You really need to straighten things out with Nai, Zo. The longer the misunderstandings last between you two, the deeper will be the crack in your relationship." Sailom agreed with his twin.

"But he wouldn't talk to me," Zo laid his head on the bar counter. "He is avoiding me."

Saifah had had enough. He stood up from the couch and walked up to Zo. He grabbed the latter's collar making him look straight at his face "There are no free rides in this world, Zo. You and Nai indeed got married under unpredictable circumstances. But that doesn't mean that he is obliged to love you. We are in the twenty-first century. No one values relationships nowadays. Breaking up or getting a divorce is not a big deal to anyone now." 

Sailom gulped in fear seeing the anger in his twin's eyes. He just hoped that the older one only do the talking and nothing more.

"If you don't want to get a divorce, then tell him. Tell him the truth!" Saifah said.


"No buts, Zo! He lives in the same house as you. Do you think that he would have stayed there if he had completely given up on your relationship? Stop making excuses and go to him. Didn't you say that you love him? Go tell that to him. Not to me or Lom. Tell him that you love him and make him feel that you love him."

Zo whimpered seeing the rage in Saifah's eyes. He didn't even dare to open his mouth.

"If you want your marriage to work, go woo him. Make him fall for you. You have a whole damn year in front of you. I can see that he was interested in you and cared about you from just the way he carried you home after the wedding. If you are going to play dead and make excuses, I won't blame him for leaving you." Saifah's grip on Zo's collar only tightened with each word.

Sailom wanted to applaud for his twin but he did nothing, fearing that he would become the next target.

"Zo, do you know what the biggest taboo in being attracted to another guy is?" Saifah asked.

Zo innocently shook his head. He had never been that attracted to men before his husband. How was he supposed to know?

"The biggest taboo in being attracted to a guy is falling for a straight guy, Zo. When you are homosexual and the person you are in love with is heterosexual, it feels awful. I am sure those words you said, the actions you did, everything that had happened on your first night must have made him feel like shit. Or else there is no way someone like Nai would take such a big step."

Saifah let go of Zo. His anger had somewhat cooled down. "Even if you aren't willing to woo him, you do owe him an apology. A heartfelt sincere apology. Your marriage is dependent on this one apology, Zo. Don't forget that."

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