20. Mad

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"You ready?" Sailom asked as they stood in front of the villa where Sak's welcome home party was to be held.

Zo was nervous as hell. He was meeting his in-laws. He let out a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut, and nodded. "Yes."

With tense nerves, Sailom pressed the doorbell. He just hoped that he would be able to impress Jui's family.

They could hear Jui's distinctive chattering coming from inside. As expected, Jui was the one who opened the door.

"You are late, phi! You were supposed to come earlier to help us with the decorations!" That was the first thing he said as he spotted Sailom.

Sailom gave him a sheepish grin. He took a lot of time to decide on the outfit he would be wearing when he was meeting Aum's family. He knew that he could have taken Jui's help on that, but he didn't.

"I brought my friend along," He gestured at Zo.

As soon as Jui's eyes fell on Zo, the irritated expression on his face changed into a happy one. He proceeded to do a full three-sixty-degree walk around Zo, sizing him up from head to toe. 

Zo stood still, letting Jui do what he wanted.

"Cute," Jui commented with a look of approval on his face. "Handsome too. I like him."

Sailom was stunned for a second. He wanted to tell Jui that Zo was already taken, and he didn't stand a chance. But he couldn't find a way to tell Jui that without hurting him. "Jui~"

"Aum's and Nai's parents are inside." Jui interrupted before Sailom could continue. "The lady in green is Aum's mom and the other is Nai's mom." He continued while rearranging Zo's hairstyle and clothes. "As for his dad, he is wearing a checkered shirt. Nai's dad is the one with specs in a polo shirt. Don't end up mixing them up."

Both Sailom and Zo nodded vigorously.

"Aww, you are so adorable," Jui cooed seeing Zo nod his head like the puppy he once raised, making Zo flush not knowing how to respond. The next second he turned to  Sailom with a serious expression. "Pia is also in there. I better not go flirt with her."

"No! Never!" Sailom responded without missing a beat. He was terrified of the possibility of Aum misunderstanding him.

"Good," Jui looked at Zo's final look in satisfaction. "Let's go inside," He hooks his arm around Zo's as he led them in.

"Wait, Jui! Take a look at me too. I am looking good?" Sailom cried out, watching Jui leave him behind.

Jui gave him an uninterested glance. "You are not bad."

"Are you supposed to help me today?" Sailom said with a tone of complaint. It was as if Jui had forgotten him after seeing Zo.

"Sorry, darling. Today all my attention will be on him," Jui said looking fondly at Zo.

Zo didn't feel uncomfortable at all by the way Jui was being with him. He just felt that Jui was like Ko, being clingy with him, nothing more. He could feel that the latter was just clinging to him and trying to make a move or flirt with him.

"But why?" Sailom whined. He wasn't happy with the arrangement.

"Because," Jui smiled brightly at Zo, "He is already on board and," he glanced at Sailom. "You are still on the waiting list." He walked inside with Zo.

"Huh? What the heck did he mean by onboard? What waiting list?" Sailom scratched his head in confusion. "Jui, wait! Don't leave without me!" He rushed to catch up with the two.

As the trio entered, they could see the grand decorations inside. 

"What do you guys think?" Jui asked. "Most of the decorations were done by Nai na."

"Beautiful," Zo could see the 'Nai' touch in the decor.

Nai was standing on top of the foldable ladder, putting the balloons on the wall, when he heard his husband's voice. He whipped his head to the side where he heard the voice and saw his husband standing with his best friend. During the process, he lost balance and fell off the ladder, falling onto the couch beside it.

"And that's a clean bowled!" Jui cheered.

Nai wanted to curse at his friend. He gritted his teeth and got up from the couch. "What is he doing here?"

He had purposely refrained himself from inviting Zo to join them. He didn't want his family to know about his marriage to Zo. 

"Nai, be nice. He is my guest," Jui hugged Zo's arm.

Zo was sweating as he watched the furious look on his husband's face. He tried his best to remain optimistic about the situation but that didn't mean that he was not scared of the negative outcome. 

"Guest, my foot!" Nai said inaudibly.

"What did you say? I didn't hear," Jui acted oblivious. From the look on Nai's face, he could feel that the latter wanted to skin him alive, but he had the guts of a bull. He was not afraid of the scary-looking softie.   

"Why did you invite him here, Jui? You don't even know him!"

"Au? I can't invite my own guest to the party?" Jui pinched Zo's cheeks. "Our cute little stalker finally decided to show his face, shouldn't I invite him in for a drink?"

Zo stiffened almost immediately. He slowly looked at Jui who was smirking at him. 

In fact, Nai and his friends had long noticed that Zo had been following them. Nai had instructed them to ignore him and act like they didn't notice him at all.

At the corner of his eye, he could see Aum entering the scene. The latter didn't seem surprised by Zo's presence at all. This made him realize that both his friends knew that his husband was going to show up at the party and neither of them bothered enough to tell him. He strictly doubted that those two had planned it together behind his back.

Nai completely agreed with the statement that Sometimes, having best friends like these, is worse than having an enemy.

"Jui, this is not funny!" He fumed. This was his family function, and he didn't want Zo to be present there. He strode forward towards them. "Take your paws off him, first of all." He separated Jui from Zo.  

Jui was giggling, but Zo was in complete panic mode. So was Sailom. He didn't dare to move a muscle. He reduced his presence and acted like he was invisible, fearing Nai's wrath.

"I said, this is not funny, Jui! Do you guys think I am joking?" Nai was more infuriated seeing his friend's reaction. "This is not the time or place to play such stupid pranks for fuck's sake!"

He rarely cursed. But he was so mad that he didn't bother filtering his language. He didn't care if his husband heard him curse or if his image was ruined. That was how mad he was at that point.

"What's going on, here? What was that sound earlier?"

Nai felt his blood turn cold as he heard his mother's voice at the other entrance.

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