18. Parents

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"Jui, would you mind if I bring one of my friends along with me to the party?" Sailom asked after constant urging from Zo.

Zo bit his lips and eagerly looked at the phone.

"I don't think it is a good idea, Phi," Jui answered rather hesitantly.

"Why? Is there a problem?" Sailom could see how unhappy Zo looked.

Zo was in fact, a bit jealous of Sailom for being able to be close to Nai's best friend, whereas he, Nai's legally wedded husband had never come in contact with anyone who was close to his spouse.

He too wanted to make friends with Nai's friends.  He too wanted to hang out with them the way Sailom did. He too wanted the support they gave Sailom in the path of courting. 

"Normally, there would have been no problem. But this time, Nai's parents will also be attending the party. It's a party for their youngest after all."

Zos started shaking Sailom, urging him to convince Jui to let him join the party. His in-laws were attending, and he wanted to meet them. He wanted to meet Nai's family and formally introduce himself to them as their son-in-law. 

"Would there be a problem if Nai's parents were there?"

" They are kind of strict, like the gatekeepers of hell. There will be a bit of restrictions. It would certainly not be a party party, you know. I am not sure if your friend would be able to enjoy it if he came over." Jui added.

"Really? Are they that strict?"

"Yes. Especially to new people. Maybe it is because they are Professors that we would never want to mess with. If it were just Aum's mom and dad, it wouldn't have been a big deal. They are easy-going people. They might even join us to party. But Nai's parents... they are a bit old-school and like to keep things within their control."

Zo looked like a kicked puppy now. He wanted to get to know his in-laws as well. But he knew that Nai would never let him do that. All he could do was meet them behind his husband's back.

"Most of our friends backed out after finding out that the elders will be there. All of them are scared of Nai's parents."

Sailom noticed Zo's expression and felt bad for him. "Jui, my friend is a nice person. He respects elders very much. I don't think he will have any problem just because Nai's parents are there. Actually, he was looking forward to meeting Aum and I think this party would be the best chance for that."

"You told your friends about Aum?"

"Not to everyone. Just to two of my best friends." Sailom's gaze went from his friends to the two younger ones. "And my two Nongs. They are kind of intrigued about Aum."

"That's normal. As far as I heard, you have never committed to anyone before."

"Where did you hear that!?" Sailom jolted as Jui's words touched his raw spot.

"That doesn't matter." Jui was not going to reveal all his cards.

Sailom pouted. "So, can my friend come or not?" 

"If you are sure that your friend won't mess up, bring him. We weren't planning on having so many people. So don't blame me if your friend feels uncomfortable at the party."

"Oh? Are you not worried that I might also be uncomfortable?" Sailom teased.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you should learn to get used to it. Nai's parents and Aum's parents are really close. You will see the four of them together very often if you start dating Aum." Jui answered nonchalantly. He didn't seem to care if Sailom felt comfortable or not.

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