5. Brats

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"N' Nai, Gina didn't mean it like that," Sainam interjected seeing how the first conversation between the mother-in-law and son-in-law was starting to go west.

She and Gina had become really close friends over the years, all thanks to their husbands who were not only business partners but also best friends. With children of the same ages, attending the same school and classes, the two mothers had more chances of interaction and had turned out to be each other's closest friends.

"Your children aren't any better, Khun Sainam." Nai turned to the lady next to his mother-in-law. "Did you know that the car in which Khun Moo and her boyfriend escaped in was driven to the parking lot by Second Young Master Sailom? Third Young Master Sailub was also in it."

Sainam was dumbfounded. She immediately made a mental note to whack her two sons once they got back home.

Nai continued. "We all know that the three young masters of the Wongsrisai family aren't really the politest bunch in the town. Still, the Second Young Master and the Third Young Master greeted that poor security guard today." He sneered. "Even a fool can comprehend that the Young Masters did that on purpose so that the security guard would notice the car and wouldn't dare to stop it when Khun Moo and her boyfriend drove out of there."

"I am really sorry about what my second and third son did." Sainam apologized sincerely. She had seen the amount of tension all the staff had been through this morning.

Nai smiled. "Your eldest isn't an angel either, Khun Sainam. Eldest Young Master, Saifah, especially wanted the two security guards who were in charge of patrolling the kitchen area to help him carry his suit and to wait on him when he changed inside the changing room. Those security guards still wanted to keep their job so they could only obey what Young master told them to do."

"Was Ko involved in this as well?" Gina was trying her best not to show how angry she was, as she didn't want to make a scene on her son's wedding day, in front of so many guests.

"I don't think so, Khun Gina. Ko was with us. Looking over the arrangements, since the morning." Nai had a good impression of the child, who was respectful and polite to everyone despite being a rich young master. "He was pretty shocked by the news of Khun Moo's disappearance. As far as I can see, it was Young Master Zo and the three Wongsrisai Young Masters who were in cahoots to send Khun Moo away and Ko was completely unaware of the plan."

Gina clenched her fist as her nails dug deep into her palm as she suppressed her anger. She had anticipated that her son might do something to prevent the wedding but didn't expect him to go so far.

Nai felt good seeing the blue and red colors of anger in his mother-in-law's face. "Khun Gina, no offense but there is something I really want to tell you. Instead of spending so much money on holding a grand wedding for an ungrateful brat like my beloved husband, you should have spent it on charity. Maybe given some money to the orphanages or to those poor cancer patients who can't afford their treatments. At least that would help you gain merits for good karma."

Gina felt really embarrassed when she heard that. Her son was indeed an ungrateful brat. She and her husband had put in their heart and soul to making this wedding perfect and their son went behind their back and had someone else rob the bride.

Just as Nai was going to bid the two ladies farewell, someone jumped on him from behind. "Guess who?"

Nai groaned, not in anger but in mock frustration. There was only one person who would do something like that, his junior, Elena. "Ellie, you should act more lady-like in the public." He said pulling her off his back.

"Congratulations, Phi." Elena hugged him.

"Thank you" He replied smilingly.

"Congratulations, Nai" Elena's parents, who were a step behind her in reaching him.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Collins." He gave each of them a side hug.

Elena's mother was Thai while her father was American. They preferred being addressed Mr and Mrs after having lived in US for years.

"P' Nai, all my seniors are here as well! Let's go meet them!" Elena dragged Nai, who excused himself from the elders, to the bunch of guests.

"Mrs. Collin, how do you know Nai?" Sainam asked curiously.

"Oh, that. Nai used to be Ellie's senior in Harvard." Mrs. Collins replied.

"Nai went to Harvard?" As an Asian Mom, Gina's interest quipped hearing the name of the university.

Mrs. Collin nodded happily. She was delighted to be able to converse with the wives of two richest men of the continent. "He was doing his masters there when Ellie joined as a freshman. He often gave them lectures as a teaching assistant for professors there."

[A/N: I really have no idea how things happen in Harvard. I am writing this based on the university I attended, where seniors could take on the job as teaching assistants and teach juniors.]

Both Gina and Sainam was pleasantly surprised by the new information. They had already liked Nai since the begin. Then, when they had the conversation with him and he didn't try to act polite or bootlick them like others would do, they were more impressed. Now getting to know that their new son-in-law is a Harvard graduate was like a cherry on top.

"By the way, where are his parents?" Mrs. Collins asked. "I didn't see them at all."

"You know his parents too?" Gina asked.

Mrs. Collins looked at her in confusion as Gina sounded as if she herself didn't know Nai's parents.

Realizing what she had just done, Gina smiled embarrassingly. "Nai was actually our wedding planner but decided to join in the wedding as we were missing a bride."

Since the wedding had already happened, Gina didn't mind letting others know that the bride had eloped. Her family wasn't going to be shamed. The one at whom everyone would be pointing fingers would be Moo and her family, about whom Gina didn't give a damn.

Mrs. Collins' eyes widened. She wasn't expecting to hear top grade gossip from Gina. "That's why I saw no one. Not his parents, his best buddies, no one. That explains."

"Mrs. Collins, would you mind sharing what you know about Nai and his family with us. We would like to know more about him." Gina requested politely.

"Sure." Mrs. Collins was over the moon. "Well, I don't know much about him, still I will tell you whatever I know. His Dad's name is Mike and Mom's is Jib. They are both university professors. He has a Nong, who I think would be in sophomore year of his university. And... Oh, yes, he is from Phitsanulok."

The other two women nodded.

"What about the best buddies, you were talking about?" Sainam asked.

"Those two were his flat mates back then. One of them went to Harvard Law and the other went to the business school with Nai. I don't remember their names though. I have only met them ones." Mrs. Collins revealed what she knew.

Gina and Sainam thanked her sincerely and excused themselves.


Do check out my story 'Vintage Diaries', which I had actually been writing for a while now.

It is a story inspired from the kdrama Twinkling Watermelon with Boun as the father and Fluke as the son who travels back in time to mid ninties to find out about his father's first love.

It is a story inspired from the kdrama Twinkling Watermelon with Boun as the father and Fluke as the son who travels back in time to mid ninties to find out about his father's first love

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