Episode 1

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*The 18 allstars are on the plane*

Kristal: we Orginally wanted to have 18 Allstars, but we decided to have 27 allstars to make it more fun. First is season 1's first boot and Ashley's Boyfriend Will

*Will is wearing a Yellow vest shirt with Orange pants, and Yellow Shoes*

Kristal: Next is season 1's second Boot Drew

*Drew is wearing a Red Shirt, Green Polo Pants, and Gray Sneakers*

Gabby: Drew! How are you?

Drew: *New Zealand Accent* I'm Good.

*Everyone was surprised that he could speak*

Drew: My Condition was fixed after Season 1 so i can't blame you for being surprised

Kristal: Next is Karol

Riya: Hey Karol

Karol: *Goes to sit with Drew*

Kristal: Next is Nick

Nick: Hey Ashley

Ashley: Hey Nick. you Look Different

Nick: Yep. my parents kicked me out after i told them off so i've basically been traveling around the World but when i got the call for allstars i knew i had a second chance to redeem myself. 

Ashley: Nick, it wasn't your fault you were voted off. Fiore tricked you

Nick: I Know but i can't help but feel responsible for my elimination. i should apologize to Lill the next time i see her

Kristal: Next is Lill

Lill: Hey Nick, you are Forgiven

Kristal: Next is Rosa Maria

Lake: Rosa Maria, you just told me that you weren't competing

Rosa Maria: I lied, i wanted to surprise you, Babe

*In My story Lake and Rosa Maria are Dating*

Lake: who is Watching Sophia?

Rosa Maria: My Aunt Carrie

Kristal: Next is Dan

Dan: Hey Jake. going for the Miraculous Ladybug look? It's Terrible. Tom, nice to see you again. Miriam, Awesome Look.

Kristal: Next are Maggy and Kai

Yul: Fuck my life

Maggy: you have Grett for that

Kai: good one, Babe

Kristal: now that all of the allstars are here, we'll fly to the camp 

*They arrive at the camp*

*Will, Dan, and Rosa Maria have Magenta Parachutes*

Lake: try not to cause too much trouble, Rosa Maria until the merge

Rosa Maria: Don't worry, Babe, i'll Behave

*Maggy, Drew, and Dan have Cyan Parachutes*

*Nick, Karol, Lill Have Yellow Parachutes*

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