Episode 7

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Kristal McLean: Last time Karol and Lill Began Dating Making Nick Happy. On The Magenta Team Jake and James continued to be enemies. the yellow team lost and Yul was voted off. 22 are left. who will be voted off tonight?

Riya: Alec, you lied to me!

Alec: I'm not going to vote off my best friend

Riya: Friends make you weak, Alec

*Nick's Confessional*

I'm starting to hate Riya but her Telling Alec that Friends make him weak was a New Low. i made have been a ass in season 1 but i would never, and i repeat Never say that to Alec Or anything

Alec: Nick, Assemble Grett, Connor,  Karol, and Lill.

Nick: Already Have, Alec

Alec: Good. Now Riya has just said that Friendship has made me weak. Riya will be going home the next time we loose

*Everyone nodded*

Nick: You In Agreement, Connor?

Connor: I am. Riya is no Longer My Friend. She is My Enemy. 

Kristal: Yellow and Cyan Team win Immunity sending the Magenta Team to Tribal Council!

James: *Votes for Jake* Jake, this is what happens when you make stuff up about my Aiden Bear.

Ashley: *Votes For Jake* I'm Sorry, Jake but your Outbursts and Arguments with James are Drama we don't need

Will: *Votes for Dan* I Know that Dan won't be going home so i'm making it look like he is a target

Dan: *Votes for Jake* Jake, you are No Longer My Friend

Kristal: 6th Person voted out of Disventure camp allstars: Jake!

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