Episode 2

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Kristal: Last time on disventure camp, the 27 allstars arrived. 27 are left. who will be voted off tonight?

Kristal: Your challenge is getting as much animals into your zone as you can.

Kristal: In first place is Cyan Team. second place is Yellow Team. Magenta Team, you'll be attending Tribal Council where one of you will be the first voted off of disventure camp allstars

*After Jake and James's fight*

Rosa Maria: James, People are talking about voting you off

James: What! I was only defending me and aiden

Rosa Maria: I Know, James But because of your Outburst to Jake People will want to voted off which is why i convice everyone except Fiore that you didn't Mess up in the challenge. as soon as Fiore left we talked about voting off Fiore and they agreed

James: Good

*Tribal Council*

Kristal: you have all voted and made your decision. the person with the most votes must leave the camp Immediately. first vote: Dan. Fiore. Dan. that's 2 votes Dan, 2 Votes Fiore. Fiore. Fiore. Dan. that's 3 votes Dan, 4 votes Fiore. 1 vote left. 1st person voted out of disventure camp allstars: Fiore. that's 5 votes. your out. 

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