Episode 6

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Kristal: Last time the allstars competed in a previous season 2 challenge. the Magenta team lost and Hunter was voted off. 23 are left. but who will be voted out tonight?

Kristal: Cyan and Magenta team, you win immunity

Yellow Team, you'll be voting someone off and the person voted off will clean up the mess that Riya Created

*Yellow Team Camp*

Nick: so who are we voting off?

Alec: My Original Plan was Connor but because he is my friend i don't want to eliminate him

Nick: Yeah, Besides Riya, caused the Defeat, Not Connor

Alec: However i have a Better Target: Yul

Nick: I Absolutely agree. he made a Racist Joke to me a week ago because i'm British

Alec: You are Getting Better and Better with each Challenge 

*Tribal Council*

Kristal: 5th Person voted out of Disventure camp allstars: Yul!

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