Episode 3

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Kristal McLean: Last time On Disventure camp the teams arrived at their camps. they competed in their first challenge. Jake accused Aiden of Cheating on James with His ex Tom. James didn't like that. at tribal council Fiore was voted off. 26 are left. who will be voted out tonight?

Kristal McLean: Yellow and Cyan Team, getting your first Look at the new Magenta Team, Fiore, voted out at the last elimination Ceremony

S1 Contestants: *Clap*

S2 Contestants: Was Fiore that Bad?

Alec: Yes

Kristal: today's challenge is diving for treasure chests

Kristal: Yellow Team and Magenta team win immunity. Cyan Team, one of you will be going home

Gabby: what the fuck Ellie you want to vote off Lake?

Ellie: Yes, i do

Gabby: we're done. i'm breaking up with you

*Tribal council*

Kristal: First vote: Ellie. Ellie. Aiden. Lake. Ellie. that's 3 votes Ellie, 1 Vote Lake, 1 Vote Aiden. Tom. Ellie. Ellie. that's 5 votes Ellie, 1 Vote Tom, 1 Vote Aiden, 1 Vote Tom. Tom. Ellie. Ellie. 1 vote left. second person voted out of disventure camp allstars: Ellie!

*After the elimination Ceremony*

Tess: So Are you and Ellie still dating Gabby?

Gabby: No, i broke up with her.

Tess: *Kissed Gabby*

Gabby: *Kissed Back*

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