Just because you're pretty

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Warnings: Sexual Harassment

literally the whole summary: Aventurine gets harassed in the casino, but thankfully gets saved by his doc.


The casino. Where you gamble, to take risk. Usual gamblers are sore losers, but gamblers in penacony are one of a kind. They bet everything they have, just to gain what they want.

"And he bets on his.. entire budget?!"

The announcer was dumbfounded, the blond gambler had bet on.. how much even is that? 300,000,000 ish credits?

"Actually, this isn't my entire budget..~" The blond gambler giggles while he smoothly fidgets with a bargaining chip with his hands, and his other arm behind his back. He seems to be enjoying the fact that everyone's eyes are on him, and him only.

"Oh you stubborn little slut! After I win this, I'll make you moan loud like the bitch you are Infront of everyone here!"

People were watching, holding their breath because it was very tense. Who won't? Someone just bet 300 million credits and expect to not look at the expression on the loser's face?

"Haha! I would love to see you try!"

The game of blackjack started and..

"Well well well, Looks like you lost! what a pity, you didn't get a taste of me, motherfucker." Aventurine laughed and so did the people who were watching. Faced with humiliation, the man stood and slammed the table.

"Fucker! Just wait until I-" The said man approached Aventurine, and gasps were heard from the crowd.

Aventurine waved his hand lazily, didn't even hesitate to look at the man.


Security guards dragged the aggressive man out of the casino, whereas the man was spilling swears to Aventurine while he gets dragged out. This made the crowd and the announcer laugh and gossip about the loser.

"Looks like we have a sore loser right here! Say bye bye to him, everyone!" The announcer was too busy laughing with the other gamblers.

Aventurine was there, counting the money he made. Why was he even counting? It's not like he can count a massive amount of money...

Yet another successful night. Might as well drink a few glasses.

With that little show Aventurine put on, many people had their eyes on Aventurine now, monitoring every motion. Needless to say, Aventurine caught on pretty quickly that more people are observing him. But they weren't observing his face, or his acts, they were looking down, where his ass is.

Aventurine can't blame them, he is considered attractive by many individuals before (fucked by them too).

Everything was all right for Aventurine, he interacted with a few people, and chuckled with them too. The people who are probably thinking of doing dreadful things to Aventurine weren't making a move yet, so Aventurine wants to enjoy the night before that could all happen.

Aventurine was seated beside individuals who he knew at the casino, at the bar at the very corner. Few fake laughs here and there, and eventually left. Aventurine knows they found him annoying, but he didn't care. He finds them annoying as well, always so fake and plastic.

He sighs as he shakes his glass a little. With the sound of ice, he notices that his glass was empty.

"Excuse me, can I have another drink? Make it strong, thank you." The bartender nods and works at once. He wants to get drunk- not because of the reasons you expect. Getting drunk is one of the few ways to forget you have an immense amount of problems you have to find a solution for. To put it simply, It's anxiolytic.

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