The warmth of your arms is unforgettable

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Literally the whole summary: Aventurine is obviously sick and refuses to receive help, the doctor is forced to take care of him (No one else will anyway).

Pure fluff❤️



Aventurine knows he caught a cold, nevertheless, he was too stubborn to rest. He is too busy thinking! He wipes his nose with his thumb when no one was looking because he can't afford to do such non elegant action in public.

He was about to sneeze again, but a tissue was slapped on his face (gently) by a certain tall doctor beside him.

"Do cover your nose before sneezing."

"Ah, thank you, thank you."

An embarrassingly loud sneeze was snorted out a tissue, and Aventurine totally took his time to wipe that snot out of his defined nose.

Stares were given by the people who they were having a meeting with, and Ratio side eyeing him, Aventurine got a little embarrassed..

"My apologies, you may continue."

"As we were trying to..-"

After the meeting was over, Ratio noticed the small coughs Aventurine did at the whole meeting. It appears that this gambler was sick. It wasn't noticeable, but when the coughing and sneezing started, it continued on and on throughout the entire meeting. Aventurine was a little red, his smile a little faltered than usual.

"Aventurine, we can postpone the appointments today, I believe that you are sick."

Aventurine's entire body immediately stiffens, and as he turns to Ratio, the redness of his cheeks were even more noticeable, yet he smiled.

"Oh ho ho ho, no no. Don't bother, doctor. We only have a few appointments left to attend, might as well complete it. Don't dwell on me, I can take it."

"Hmph. Tell me that when you pass out later."

"Heh, I doubt it." Im kidding, I definitely feel tipsy right now.. But Aventurine would rather die than to admit to the doctor that he's actually sick because then what? They'll awkwardly stare at eachother??

Ratio got a bit annoyed by this. He can't afford to see someone like this because of their own actions.

Continuing on, Ratio didn't pry further. If Aventurine has something set on his mind, he won't let go of it. As far as Ratio knows, he'll be beside him the whole time, so when he does feel unwell, there's a doctor right beside him.

Stubborn brat.

The next few appointments only led to worry, as Aventurine's coughs get louder, and his body feels hot to the touch when they brush their shoulders together. The man was acting normal, his smiles and laughter feels real, even though it's a mask he wears.

After a meeting, Ratio again tries to convince Aventurine to rest.


Aventurine knows what Ratio will ask, but he believes in himself that he can endure it. But to Ratio, it's self destruction. Seems like Aventurine doesn't want to show signs of weakness.

"A few more appointments, right? Then let's get going."

Aventurine went ahead and brushed past Ratio. The smell of his perfume was a strong, pleasant smell. Ratio sighed, turned around, and walked with Aventurine. He was totally gonna ignore how Aventurine was not walking straight.

Meetings with other significant individuals in Penacony were difficult, as they were scattered all over the place. People in Penacony are wild. Some showed disinterest, some acted like they were higher ups, even some are frauds. Most of them are happy and drunk, throwing up at a corner is one of the reasons they are wild.

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