Chapter 1 (Sarah)

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Art by Deligaris on Deviant Art

Sarah jolted awake. Her book flew from its balanced position on her chest high up into the air. She shrieked and lunged to catch it, thankfully snagging the half-open book before it hit the floor. She sighed in relief and placed her bookmark into the book's center, its icy pattern poking out from the top.

"Must have fallen asleep..." she grumbled to herself.

Sarah grabbed her phone off the coffee table and clicked it on to check the time. It read 8:30, meaning an hour and a half until her mother left work. Her mother's late shift at the convenience store down the street went until ten o'clock. However, that wasn't reliable because her mom was always picking up extra shifts to make more money.

They weren't poor per se, more on the lower end of the scale. They lived in a small apartment in New York. Not New York City, though they were close enough to drive. They lived just outside of the Big Apple in Kingston.

Shooting a quick "Did you pick up another shift?"  text to her mom, Sarah moved from the couch to the bed, grabbing her sketchbook on the way. Sitting up in bed, she started to draw. At first, she didn't know what she was drawing, but then it started to take shape. It was a person surrounded by fire, but not in a bad way. They were the fire. They were inside of it. It's weird but cool. Sarah thought.

Sarah moved on to the next page and just sketched normal things this time. She enjoyed drawing landscapes, especially winter ones. Winter was just around the corner and the leaves on the trees outside had already dropped, but since it hadn't snowed yet, this time was referred to as "stick season". Stick season wasn't fun to draw at all, so Sarah had to imagine landscapes herself rather than use the current ones.

Sarah blew her long, straight, blonde hair out of the way as it dangled forward, obscuring the page.


Sarah's phone vibrated and she snatched it up. It was a text from her mom.

No, I'll be home at 10. You better be sleeping when I get there though because you know what happens when you go to bed late. It read.

Sarah sighed. She did know what had happened. Her body couldn't handle late nights and she would feel sick. It was a terrible condition when trying to go to a party. Sarah put her phone on silent and closed her sketchbook. Pulling her covers on, she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

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