Chapter 6 (Sarah)

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Art by NezuPanda on Deviant Art

"Get up," a snarky voice growled at half-asleep Sarah.

"Why?" Sarah groaned sleepily.

"Because Dad said I have to give you a "tour " of the school campus, which I'm obviously not gonna do. The best thing you'll have to settle for is an Elemental Mage Academy for Dummies course by yours truly and then you're on your own. Unless you want to figure out this hellhole of a high school yourself, then be my guest."

"Get out so I can change."

"Uniform is on the bed. Your mom slept on the couch last night."

Dammit. Sarah thought. I should have taken the couch. 

Too late now.

The uniform was blinding white and tight. It was awkward to get into and looked ridiculous.

"Do I really have to wear the skirt?" Sarah whined, "Can't I just wear, you know, pants?"

"You get used to it!" Victoria yelled through the door.

Sarah grumbled.

When they got to the school, Sarah was in awe. The campus was a huge, sprawling, city of sorts. There was even a large clock tower. It reminded her of Hogwarts.

"Alright," Victoria stated, "Here's the rundown. The school is made up of two campuses. One is for Elemental Mages, and the other is for Enchantment Mages. Those guys just do your regular magic mumbo jumbo. We don't get along, so they have a separate school. It's just regular high school with a few extra magical classes and shit. You don't bother me, I act like you don't exist, and we'll get along just fine. One more thing, don't hang out with her."

Victoria pointed to a random girl with yellow and white mage flame. That meant she was a Lightning Mage.


"She's just mean. And rude. And an all-round bully. Trust me on this one."

Sarah nodded.

"See you around!" Victoria called as she raced off.

Sarah sighed. Just let her get through the day and everything would be fine.

By the time lunch rolled around, Sarah was kind of coping. But as she looked around for a table to sit at —all the while receiving a death glare from Victoria saying No you absolutely may not sit here—, she decided perhaps it would be better to eat outside.

She found and small bench and sat down, pulling out her sketchbook. The fire girl who consumed the pages of her sketchbook had dialed down a bit. At least, now she wasn't alone. There were two girls. The new girl was surrounded by cold and ice. The girls fought a lot in the first few sketches she had done, but recently they seemed to be working together. Supporting one another. 

"I'm nuts aren't I?" Sarah whispered to herself.

The next two days repeated this pattern of coming to sit by herself. She drew as she ate and was generally happy. But on this third day, she felt a weird feeling.  She was oddly cold and sick to her stomach. A sharp pain ricocheted through her abdomen and she doubled over. 

I need to get out of here. She thought. Something bad was about to happen. Tucking her sketchbook away, she ran off into to forest alone.

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