It's the Shirt, Isn't It?

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With Millie still living at Rachel's house after moving out of a toxic relationship and you barely at your own home since becoming Rachel's girlfriend, the three of you were constantly together - it wasn't just Millie and Rachel anymore; it was Millie, Rachel and (y/n). You worked from home and in between went to both of their games, your friends visited every other weekend and all your families came last week for a BBQ. The last few weeks had been so full on for the girls with Champions League, FA Cup, regular league games and the impending England camp. There had been injuries in both squads making the players that weren't injured work even harder and the girls were exhausted. Today was a rest day and with nothing planned you all snuggled up on the sofa to binge watch murder documentaries on Netflix.

Realising you didn't have a clean shirt to wear to Rachel's Villa game tomorrow you started to load the washing machine before flicking the kettle on to make the teas, swanning around the kitchen gracefully someone couldn't help but feel envious.

"Yknow, nobody but my parents have worn my shirt in the stands, Levi never did" Millie started to daydream, "that's because he's a jerk" Rachel scoffed as you asked why from the kitchen. You couldn't imagine a good enough reason for anyone dating a sports person not to wear their partner's shirt. "He said it wasn't masculine to wear it" Millie rolled her eyes as you screwed up your face in disbelief of the answer she gave. You offered to wear her shirt at the next game but that wasn't good enough for the blonde who now had a face like thunder thinking about Levi again. "That doesn't really count though does it, it's not someone that loves me and wants to be seen supporting me" she said sadly, this time you were the one scoffing at her! "Excuse you bitch?! I love you! You're my girlfriend's best friend, you're one of my best friends now too and you're the defender of absolute dreams! Why wouldn't you want me supporting you?" you acted dramatically heartbroken. Rachel over exaggerated her surprise at your statement like you'd forgotten she's also a defender when she wants to be, noticing her heightened facial expression before adding "I think you can manage a night without me wearing shirt babe" flirtingly. "You underestimate me" she chuckled under her breath, "you're not jealous are you?" you asked kinda loving the fact she's territorial over you. "I'm joking!" she burst through the torture of being tickled by you, "I think it would be really cute, I love that you two love each other as much I love you both" wrapping her arms around you and squeezing her favourite people into her. "When it's your next Chelsea game we'll both wear your name on our shirts" Rachel added. "You guys are the best, your relationship is adorable I wanna be a part of it" she slumped back, happy that she has the cutest friends yet still sad that she's single again. Her statement made you and Rach look at each other confused, "girl, you practically are!" shouting at her in unison making you all laugh.

The next week you went to the Chelsea game, Rach had training but met you at half time and watched as the blues bought home the win. Arriving home you slipped your jeans off at the door and went to put the kettle on knowing this household runs on tea. You usually walked around with no trousers on so this wasn't anything new and nothing out of the ordinary for you regardless of who was home. The other two flopped onto the sofa where they were talking quietly.

"I see why you like her wearing your shirt so much Rach" Millie said candidly as they both gazed at you tiptoeing to try and reach the top shelf for the sugar. Rach watched as your shirt rose up exposing the tattoo on your hip "she's so hot in't she, even with your shirt on" she smiled.. but hearing Millie hum in agreement made Rachel turn to look her suddenly. "Do you fancy my girlfriend Mills?" she questioned her bestie, "I think.. I might..." Millie said honestly but quietly questioning what was happening inside her stomach as it fluttered uncontrollably. "I always knew there was a bit of gay in you!" Rachel said sitting up excitedly. "I'm not gay! (Y/n) is the only girl I've ever felt attracted to!" the conversation started going in a completely different direction to what Rachel expected. "That's how it starts" she said cheekily, "you definitely chose a good'un for once Rach, you're so perfect together" still both their eyes were firmly set on the back of you - admiring the way you'd gotten distracted and was now cleaning the kitchen. "She's beautiful, hilarious, she's our biggest cheerleader, makes the best tea in the world and her arse in those pants man" Rachel continued listing the things she loves about you while biting her knuckle in admiration for the woman she calls hers. "If you wanted to.. yknow.. do anything with her, I think she'd be up for it" your girlfriend was now becoming your pimp. "I can't do that Rach she's your girlfriend!" Mills voice raised slightly but you were none the wiser in your own little world, "mate, I know how much you both love me, if you're questioning I'd rather you do it with someone you're comfortable with. You're part of our relationship regardless." The conversation suddenly went silent as you finally made your way over with the teas, plopping yourself in the corner and draping your legs over Rachel. Noticing the silence you asked what they were talking about but Millie looked away, raising your suspicions. Rachel's hand glided up your leg "Millie fancies you" she said bluntly which took you by surprise, your eyes jumping from both of their faces waiting for the punchline, "how do you feel about that?" your girlfriend sounded genuinely intrigued. "It's the shirt isn't it?" your head tilted towards Millie who's cheeks had now turned a bright shade of red. "You footballers are all the same! If I knew this is how you get a girlfriend I would have done it years ago!" you laughed, still not believing what conversation you'd walked in on. "There's just something about a woman wearing your name, it's fucking hot!" Rach squeezed your thigh, "yeah you don't let me forget it babe" holding under her chin kissing her cheeky smile. "So.. how did that conversation go?" inquisitive as to why Millie still hasn't said a word or even looked at you which was highly peculiar. "I said you'd probably be down if she wanted to" Rachel shrugged seemingly unbothered by the entire situation. "Well.. you're not wrong" you said honestly which made Millie's head lift a little like she was listening intently. "How would you feel about that though?" you asked your girlfriend with furrowed brows, still unsure if she was being serious or not. "I suggested it! How do you feel about that?" she threw the question straight back at you. You questioned how to respond thus not to jeopardise your relationship with Rachel and before answering you asked for them both to explain the conversation they had and how they both feel about it so you could tailor your response appropriately. Of course you would jump Millie in a heartbeat but you didn't want it to ruin your relationship or their friendship. Rachel insisted she was okay with it and Millie seemed serious about kissing not just any girl but you in particular.

You were ready to give them your answer after you made everyone pinky promise that it wouldn't change anything. "Okay so the day I met you Rach you know that my phone wallpaper was the both of you, which is weird cause now it's all three of us" smiling as you lit up your phone to show them what they already knew. "I fancied you both so much! I never thought I'd meet any of you let alone having you fall in love with me" touching Rachel's face as you said this. "Millie, you're fucking hot and I fancy the pants off you so if you're sure you both wanna do this then I'm down for anything" the penny dropped the second those words left your mouth. "See I told ya! There's not much my girl wouldn't do. As long as you don't start a secret relationship behind my back!" she laughed pointing her index finger at you both threateningly. "You two are the best" the taller blonde pouted, "I wish I had a relationship like yours, not many people would let me experiment with their girlfriend. I probably won't even feel anything but I need to figure out what my brain is doing. It's all so confusing" Millie said as her forehead met the palm of her hand. "We all go through this Mill, we're practically already a throuple anyway so kissing me isn't gonna change anything" you let out a light hearted chuckle. "That is true though, we do everything together, you're literally already part of our relationship" Rach leant over squeezing her thigh as you took her hand. "Millie Bright, will you go on a date with me?" you blushed as she nodded gently in agreement. 

You said goodnight to each other and snuggled down in your beds giving you a chance to talk to Rachel alone about what the hell had just happened. What if it's not just a kiss, would she kiss Millie, she's always wanted a threesome, but with her best friend? You were now overthinking everything but reminded yourself that most girls kiss their friends, you've kissed your besties and know that your sister has talked about kissing hers too so it's not really that weird... is it?

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