Our Girl

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The incident in Barcelona became less prominent in your mind as the days that followed passed, your bruises had started to fade and you were starting to settle back into your life with Rachel. Millie had popped by every day to check on you and the entire incident had made the news, programmes like This Morning had approached to tell your story but you didn't feel ready yet. It was still too raw to talk about with your girlfriend let alone the entire world! Nevertheless you knew it would be a good opportunity to shine a light onto the treatment of women - nothing that women already didn't know but it helps to keep the conversation at the forefront of people's minds. You said you'd contact them when you're ready but for now you're just trying to transition back into your normal life. With your blessing, Millie had partaken in interviews discussing what happened in the bar and was revelling in the praise being given that she so rightly deserved. You'd give her every award that existed if you could, without her you don't know what would have happened. The house was covered in flowers and you had eaten your weight in chocolate that had been sent from people who wanted to show their support; mostly teammates of Rach and Mills but your family and friends had also visited once you returned home. You know what happened to you isn't the worse thing to ever happen to a woman and felt a bit guilty of all the attention being throw your way when there's people out there who have dealt with so much worse who don't receive half the attention that your story has. It's only because patrons in the bar shared their videos online and the incident involved England's captain that it had reached media outlets. Rachel reminded you every day that you're allowed to feel cared for too, you don't have to be silent just because someone has it worse than you. Millie came over most evenings to wind down with you both, sometimes not going back to her own house and staying the night. Her visits had become a lot more subdued and often consisted of you all just sitting on the sofa watching films; you three didn't need words to make you feel at peace, just each other's company was enough.

Your bruises that had faded to yellow were a few days from disappearing completely, with every day you were starting to feel more like yourself again without the constant black and blue reminder of that night on your arm. Every evening when you were snuggled up the girls would stroke it and pepper your skin with silent kisses believing the more love they gave you the quicker it would disappear. They smothered you with their love, reminding you every second of every day that they care so deeply about you. As soon as you made a move to get up they would ask what you wanted and would get it for you, not once did you make the teas during the week after your return, even when you bathed they tenderly washed your hair.

You still went to Rachel's games and Millie would often be seen in the stands with you rather than at Chelsea ones. You argued that Millie needed looking after too, at least your injury didn't put World Cup dreams in jeopardy! She should be the one being looked after, not you! The World Cup was approaching fast and in a few months they'll both be off to Australia, Millie still wasn't fit enough to play and you were growing more and more concerned with every passing week. The defender put on a positive face, believing with every bone in her body that she'd be better in time. You however, was a bit more realistic.

"Millie sit down, I'll do this!" you rushed into the kitchen so you could boil the kettle, reaching for three mugs out of the cupboard before she could. "I'm fine!" she expressed, rolling her eyes and batting you away with a limp hand. "No, you're not! I'm not leaving you here alone, you're the captain now they need you to get better!" Wrapping your arms around her waist you tried your hardest to pick her up but failed, Millie 'Brick Wall' Bright could not be moved! "Rach, tell her!" you shouted over to your girlfriend who was tapping away on her laptop at the table. Looking over the top of the reading glasses to see her girls both stood with their hands on their hips willing her to be on their side. She took her glasses off to get her facial expression to appear more stern "best friend, I can't go to Australia without you now do what she says!" Rachel was desperately trying to complete her level 2 coaching certificate so she could start her own youth team - not like she didn't already have enough to do! She'd recently partaken in a youth group programme and her new goal was to create her own.

Turning to face Millie with a confident pout of satisfaction from winning, her eyebrow raised unamused with the decision. "If I'm so unfit, could I do this?" standing her ground as she suddenly picked you up off the floor. "Oh my god Mills put me down! Stop!"wriggling and slapping her back in frustration of not being listened to. Perching you onto the kitchen side and slotting herself between your legs, "better?" she asked sarcastically causing you to roll your eyes. Her move was sexy yet irritating at the same time, folding your arms reluctant to let her disobey you. "I don't remember you complaining on holiday" her voice turned cocky which finally drew Rachel's eyes away from the computer to join you both in the kitchen. "I've been waiting for the right time to ask this actually, what did happen on holiday?" sensually stroking up your leg as Millie copied on the other. "Is anyone gonna make the tea around here?" desperately trying to change the subject as you reached over to the kettle. Millie blocked your attempt "no" she said shaking her head with that cocky smile of hers. Having them both batting their eyelashes at you and still tickling your legs it was becoming extremely hard to think about anything else apart from throwing yourself at them. "Nah, I wanna know exactly what happened. I've waited long enough" Rachel said slowly as she swiped your hand from reaching the kettle switch again. "Millie's not well enough for this, she shouldn't even be standing!" you tried to divert their attention but actively not making any attempt to flee their advances. "I remember picking you up last week and you didn't argue" she stroked the hair that dangled in front of your face away from your eyes, willing you to drop it. "I was drunk, I wasn't thinking about your knee I was thinking about-" you shouted exhausted before being cut off by Rachel, "what.. what were you thinking about my love? Tell me" she encouraged. With them both looking up at you with their big blue eyes you caved "getting fucked! Happy now?" "fucked by who baby?" Rach continued asking with her sickly sweet tone as their finger tips continued sliding up and down your legs. "Millie!" your eyes rolled knowing there was no way you were getting out of this, not that you wanted to and you knew exactly where it was going. Rachel slipped her arms under your legs and lifting you off of the kitchen side, throwing you over her shoulder as she headed for the stairs. "Come on Mills, let's go fuck our girl" Those words turning you on instantly with anticipation of what was about to happen.

Reaching the bedroom, your lips quickly found Rachel's neck, holding your hand out for Millie to take and be included too. "No no no" Rachel stopped you as she pulled her face away from yours. "I want you both to tell me exactly what happened that night, play-by-play" placing you softly onto the bed and ready to listen intently.

As Millie led Rachel through what she had done to you that night, Rachel re-enacted the moment precisely. You'd missed the sexual touch of your girlfriend as Millie watched her go down on you. Next, you told Rachel what you did to Millie and watched as she recreated the sequences on her best friend. The night continued well into the morning with you three fumbling around in the bedsheets together for hours.

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