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Leaving you fast asleep in bed Millie was up and quietly packing, she'd booked flights home for you both separately from the team; they weren't due to come back until tomorrow but she wanted to get you home as soon as possible. She called Rachel to let her know what had happened and that you were coming home early. She'd also taken a phone call from the police that the man had been charged, the video footage from the team and CCTV making it easy to convict him. The video had gone viral meaning there were hundreds of comments and an outpouring of support waiting for you when you got home, praise was also given to Millie for her quick thinking and take-no-shit approach.

Stirring awake at the zips being pulled around the suitcase, for a split second you'd forgotten what had happened in the early hours of the morning. Your best friend noticed your morning stretch immediately and offered a soothing tone of voice letting you know what was happening. Surprisingly you were feeling a lot better than yesterday and were thankful you had such amazing friends, knowing that it could have been a lot worse if it wasn't for them. Undressing in the shower your fingertips ran over your forearm that was now a giant blotch of colours but found comfort in knowing they will fade and you'll never have to see that horrible man again. Vowing to never go off by yourself in the future, you weren't going to let this get to you; if anything it had made you feel more empowered to stand up for yourself and others. Glancing at your phone after washing the night off you to see all the notifications, only one name mattered. Rachy 👑.

"Good morning beautiful! You're the strongest woman I know, I love you so much and can't wait to have you home 💜 I know you're sleeping but I'll be at the airport to get you later with lots of kisses for my number one 😘😘😘"
A smile spread across your face at the thought of seeing your girlfriend, you'd missed her more than you realised - solidly confirming that you never wanted to be away from her again. You'd always thought you didn't have to spend 24/7 with a partner, you didn't want to merge into each other but maybe that's because you'd never been in a relationship like this before.

Choosing to wear a long sleeve dress so you didn't have to look at your arm, you tried your best to not let it ruin your last few hours in the sun and finished your book on the balcony until it was time to go. On the flight home Millie was much more subdued than when you arrived, letting you watch a musical with her knowing they're your best medicine. The happy songs making you want to dance and sing, leaving the Barcelona drama on and off the pitch behind you.

Walking through the terminal the doors opened to show the love of your life waiting patiently for you to arrive, flowers and balloon in hand you launched yourself at her. Her arms squeezed tightly around your chest as your legs wrapped around her waist letting the balloon float up to the ceiling and the flowers drop to the floor. The only thing that mattered was each other. The only thing you cared about was each other. "My sweet girl" she whispered as her hand clutched the back of your head. Nothing compares to smooshing your face into Rachel's neck and feeling your bodies pressed together as one. "I never wanna leave you again" your voice muffled into her "I'm never gonna let you leave me again!" placing you back onto the ground and holding your cheeks in her hands. Feeling her lips connect with your forehead you sunk back into each other;  your safe place, your everything, your home being her and only her. Your anxieties blown away from simply being in her presence.

Millie had wandered off to find a trolley for the suitcases as Rachel took your hand and offered you a seat on top of them, pushing you through the airport like the queen she viewed you as. The three of you chatted about all the good parts of the holiday; she didn't mention the incident because she knew you'd talk about it when you were ready.

After loading everything in the car, Rachel's hand found her place on your thigh "I can drop you home before my game if you want?" she suggested quietly. "I don't think so! What happened to never leaving me again aih?" you joked. "I didn't know if you'd feel up for it?" she shrugged but you weren't having any of it. "What a better way to cheer me up than seeing my girl in her kit for 90 minutes?" you laughed. She smiled as she reached through to the back seat unveiling your shirt "I bought it just in case" the love she has for you washed over her face. Jumping out of the car and dragging the suitcase back out of the boot the girls looked at you like you were mad, grabbing a bag, your jeans and trainers you made your way back to the front of the car. You handed your girlfriend a bag of presents and pulled your jeans on underneath your dress. She slyly watched you pull them over your bum then slip your dress off and her shirt on. Twirling around in front of her "like I never left" you announced as you plopped back in your seat. Rach watched you intently as your glow started to come back but she couldn't divert her eyes from your arm that was now on show. You could feel her staring so distracted her with the bag "open your presents then!" She was shocked at the amount, looking at you in disbelief "I bought everything that reminded me of you!" you laughed. Mostly silly things like magnets, keyrings, a stuffed animal and a friendship bracelet. Stomping your foot onto the dashboard as you slipped your trainers on, "we've all got one! It was Millie's idea to put them round our ankles, then you can hide them in your socks when you play" you told her, pleased with the idea. Bringing her knee up to her chest immediately to tie it around her ankle too before driving to Bescott Stadium.

During the drive you rummaged around your handbag trying to find any bits of make up you'd left in there, topping up your face carefully as Rach drove around the pot holes in the road. "Babe, you already look beautiful" she said, "yeah but your ex is gonna be there tonight, I need to look my best!" you announced. Villa are playing Man U today which probably means Rachel is going to be defended by her ex - Millie Turner - a topic that rarely gets brought up into conversation; you knew it was a mutual decision to split but that was about it. "I could put you in any stadium in the world and you'd always be the prettiest girl there" she beamed at you, leaning to place a kiss on your cheek as she pulled into her parking space. She opened the door for you, pulling you out and into her arms as she did. "You are the love of my life, don't you forget it" placing a kiss on your forehead, each one of your cheeks and nose before ending on your lips. Her finger tips slipped down your arms and linked your hands in hers "do you want a jumper?" she asked quietly, wondering whether you'd want to cover your arm. "How's anyone gonna see your name on my back if I wear a jumper? I'm okay, I promise" you reassured her. Linking your arms in hers and Millie's who'd been sitting in the back quietly letting you both have your moment then strutted towards the stadium together.

Arriving at the entrance as the Man U bus pulled up and the players poured out Mary was the first to appear and spotting you all standing there let out a high pitch scream of excitement at seeing her friends, forgetting for a second that for tonight they were rivals. She offered her support to you and then congratulated Millie on her bravery, shocked to see you both there when a matter of hours ago you were in Barcelona. Millie T had heard the commotion and came out next, about to head over to her teammate before she spotted you and Rachel and quickly diverted into the building. Saying goodbye you told Rach to score which made Mary scoff, game face firmly etched on her now! You knew beating Man U would be tough, but not impossible "score more than one" you winked as the England teammates walked in together leaving you and Millie to find your seats.

Sure enough 2-1 to Villa at halftime, Rachel Daly on the score sheet for both of them. She had celebrated with her team before holding heart hands up to the stands towards you knowing she had done what you had told her to do, on a day like today making you feel even more special than usual. She really knew how to make you feel like the only girl in the world. Man U equalised in the second half and in the 87th minute Millie T was subbed on. A mere 6 minutes later she had headed the ball past Hannah, making your heart sink. To come away with a draw against the team at the top of the league would have been amazing but of all people it had to be your girlfriend's ex that scored the winner. Knowing how gutted the girls must have felt you watched the teams fist bump and shake hands, noticing Rachel and Millie T exchanged words before she came running over towards you. "I'm so proud of you!" you shouted over to her, seeing the smile she started the day with had disappeared. "We lost!" her eyes rolled as she threw her arms into the air in frustration. "Only by one! It could have been a lot worse!" she shrugged at the truth in your statement as you watched Millie T walk towards where you all were. "Hey, I just thought I'd say I saw what happened to you. That guy's a dick, I'm glad you're okay" you nodded and thanked her "it was nice to meet you, you clearly make each other very happy" she smiled solemnly as she jogged away. You all pulled a face to each other that showed pleasant surprise - you didn't expect that today!

The car ride home was a somber and pensive one, arriving home the ritual of the kettle flicking on as soon as you walked through the door warmed your soul. Immediately pulling your sweats on to feel comfy then lounged in the garden drinking your teas before Millie went back to her house. Before she went, Rachel stopped her "thank you for looking after her bestie" they hugged "hey, any time you know that" she reassured her "I'm just sorry I lost you in the first place (y/n/n)", "hey you were there when I needed you, that's all that matters" you said joining the hug. As the door closed behind her Rachel's hand grazed your back, the slightest of touches making you feel a sense of calm and comfort. "I'm so glad you're home beautiful" wrapping her arms around your waist "I'm so glad to be home" stroking her cheek and gazing into those beautiful blue eyes you had missed so deeply "never again do I want to be apart from you".

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