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"I'm gonna miss you sooo much!" Rachel whined from the drivers side of the car. "We're only going for a week Rach!" Millie chimed from the back seat, poking fun at her best friend's need to have you around 24/7. "You're not in love, you don't understand!" your girlfriend snapped in jest, "well that's a bit rude" Millie muttered to herself barely in earshot but just loud enough that you heard her. "This is the longest we've ever been apart!" Rachel's whining continued as she placed a hand on your knee which you ignored. She'd been determined to wind you up since last night and was getting on your last nerve, "I can't remember the last holiday I went on" sighing as you continued to daydream out of the window at the passing scenery. "Oh okay, do I not exist? Can nobody hear me?" Rachel looked around the car at the two girls next to her dramatically. Rolling your eyes before turning your head to look at your woman, "so this is my life is it? Stuck to you forever?" your side eye burned a hole in her head partnered with a smirk to show you're playing with her. "We haven't even been on holiday together yet and you're going with Millie! I heard that eye roll by the way. I've lost count of how many eye rolls you've done during this journey!" Rachel's tone jokey but extremely jealous you were going away without her. "Oh my god you needy little bitch!" Millie straight face stared at her bestie in the rear view mirror. "Do you know how badly I need a holiday!?" "Yes! You don't shut up about it! When you get to Champion's League, then you can have a holiday!" Millie swiped at her causing you to smack a hand over your mouth to hide the giggle coming from within. Rachel's hand tightened the grip on your knee hearing you trying to hold back your laughter, knowing all too well that once one of you starts laughing, you're all gonna set off and once you three start, there's no stopping you. "Well I'm sure you two will have a looovely time without me" Rach continued sarcastically "just think of me when you're soaking up that sun yeah! You sure as hell need some Brighty!" The banter inside the car was too much for your hand to hold back as the laughs came flooding out of your mouth making the other two to erupt in laughter as well. "In all seriousness though.." Millie leant through the middle to look at Rach "we won't miss ya!" she mocked, trying her best to act serious but struggled to keep a straight face as Rach attempted to swipe at her behind the seat. "Wooow okay, maybe I'll find a new best friend and girlfriend while you're away" she said acting smug with herself. "I'd like to see you try and find someone that'll put up with all your crap!" you hit back at her as you interlocked your fingers with hers. "I think you're both being very rude!" Rachel ended in a silly voice as she pulled into the airport car park.

Chelsea lost the first leg of the Champions League semi final which you all watched together the day before. Even though she was injured, Millie was always going to go to Barcelona with the girls but with so many players injured, there was plenty of free space on the plane and she'd managed to blag you on. Who says no to a free holiday? No one, that's who. Rach had encouraged you into going and was excited until you got in the car this morning and started to act unbearably needy. It was cute really but you liked playing with her, she knew you'd miss her too but at the moment you were having fun with it.

Lugging the bags out of the car Millie walked away to take a phone call leaving you and Rach alone. Sinking into the boot of the car you took a moment to say goodbye "I am gonna miss you yknow" you said stroking her forearm knowing it makes her feel tingly. "Of course I do, you don't hide it very well" she winked as her elbow prodded your ribs. "Don't do that when I'm leaving" you shoved her shoulder gently "what? Wink?" she pushed as she winked harder and repetitively in your face causing you to push her away with more force, "okay you ruined the moment! My last memory of you won't be my hot and sexy girlfriend, it'll be the pain in the arse I somehow fell in love with!" you laughed. "Oh you know exactly how you fell in love with me" her sultry tone paired with her bedroom eyes came as close to your face as possible without actually touching you, making your stomach do somersaults and resisting her impossible. Grabbing the back of her neck you pulled her into a slow and passionate kiss goodbye.

"Ahem" the sound of Millie making her presence known broke you both apart "we're boarding, we better go".

Rachel carried your bag and held your hand tightly through the terminal until you reached the gate where the team were congregated. Passport in hand you hugged your girl as the team filed through border control, there were club photographers and social media personnel everywhere. Assuming Rach wouldn't want to kiss you on camera you said goodbye and turned to join the queue. You should have known Rachel wasn't going to have any of that as she grabbed your wrist pulling you back towards her and embracing you one last time, feeling flashes of light on your skin as your lips locked together. "I'll miss you princess" your speech soft and a little emotional as you tucked her hair behind her ear. "Have an amazing time beautiful, I love you so much" was her response and with that you were swept through to the plane tunnel, "I love you more!" you called out to her as the door closed. "Never" Rachel smiled under her breath, the distance between you already making your love for each other grow fonder, something you didn't think possible.

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