━━ rules !

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✧.* a plot shop !
gfx by kayneice
layout by heughanphobic


RULES and EXTRA ! ✧.*

i  . . . .  this shop is not first come, first served. these plots are my babies, and the only reason i'm not writing them is lack of motivation and time. please do not be offended if i reject you.

ii  . . . .  the fic MUST be out within three weeks. i understand that's a short time, but all i ask is that you get the cast, gallery, etc. up in that time. if you need a extension, please ask. if a chapter is failed to be up within that time, i will assume you no longer want to write it and i will but it back up as available.

iii  . . . .  update as least once a month. i understand you get busy, so i am leniant with this, but i just want to be sure my plot isn't going to waste.

iv  . . . . payment will include a permanent follow, credit in the first chapter and description, and a vote on the plot chapter! the password is your favorite fruit and why.

v  . . . . anything with a * means it can be changed without permission, but anything else needs to be talked about with me first! feel free to dm me with questions whenever you need to!

vi  . . . .  plagiarism is absolutely NOT TOLERATED and is completely disrespectful. if you plagiarize a plot, either me or one of my friends WILL find you. don't even try.

vii  . . . .  you may request two plots at a time, but same rules with updating schedule and time limit apply. those plots must be completed before you request any more to make it fair :)

viii . . . . failure to complete these rules (within reason) will be blacklisted.

x . . . . a checkmark will be placed next to taken plots!

xi . . . . password is hidden somewhere in these rules! please put the password at the end of your request so i can be sure you read them.

- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ VIPS! ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

kayneice , -graysons , heughanphobic
DarlingLittleBeanie , Izziaa , g0ldenskves
-harringtonsbabe , bennettsluvvr , rhaxnyas
these people have my heart forever! they get first priority to requesting and most of the rules do not apply to them :)

- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ BLACKLISTED! ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

no one !
and hopefully no one ever


dee speaks ! ✧.*

o. it's a good thing in finally doing this because i have too many drafts and literally can't write them all

o. also olivia is so plot shop coded i had to use her

o. unfortunately none of my plots will come with covers. i will give you crackship gifs though!

o. anywho! love you guys bye

𝗕𝗔𝗗 𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗔 𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧? ━ plot shopWhere stories live. Discover now