365 Days (Dedication)

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Scrolling through Facebook this morning, I came apon a picture that touched me. Someone had posted that thir brother was suffering from Mucopolysaccharidoses Disease (MPS) (where the glycosominoglycans (long chains of sugar carbohydrates in our cells) can't be broken down in the urine so, over time, they are backed up and collect in cells, blood, and connecttive tissue). With this disease, the person can only live up to 20 years old. When they start to "fade", they show symptoms. They loose the ability to walk, talk and hear, and your eyesight goes as well. This person's brother was 19 and is already unable to talk, quickly loosing the ability to walk as well.

Tyler, you don't know I exsit and I didn't know you did either until today, but this one's for you



"He's got what?"

"Mucopolysaccharidoses Disease. It's a disease where the urine doesn't have enzymes to break down the glycosominoglycans, so they're backed up and collect in the blood, cells, and connective tissue. The affects are permenant," the doctor answered.

"What affects?" The mother was goastly pale.

"Progressive cellular damage. It changes physical abilities, apperence, organ and system functioning, and in some cases, mental development."

She looked like she would collapse if her husband weren't there to hold her up. The baby slept in her arms, oblivious to what was happening around him. The doctor pressed on.

"The maximum age is twenty. He'll show signs he's getting ready to...go when he gets near that age. He'll loose the ability to walk, talk, hear, and see. I'm so sorry."

But she couldn't hear him anymore. Her husband thanked the doctor and helped his wife out of his office. The tears pouring down on her cheeks contridicted the bright day that greeted them. The birds sang at each other until she screamed and dropped to her knees, clutching her child to her chest. Her husband joined her on the ground, holding her and his child close as he silently wept.

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