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It was slow going since we were denied our request for a warrent. Jinni managed to get a job at the little resteraunt owned by an elderly couple from Boston. They were quite fond of her and gave her a job as a waitress.

I pestered her for details often, but she didn't find any leads for a while. Not until about two weeks after she started work.

She called me at one in the morning, and I picked up the phone, still groggy from sleep.

"Hullo?" I slurred into the phone. I hadn't even bothered to check my caller ID, so I had a hard time figuring out who it was I was talking to.

"D? I think I found something. I'm sorry for waking you up, but I don't know what else to do. It's a tad bit illegal, but--"

I didn't let her finish. "Slow down a minute, Jinni. What are you talking about?"

She took a breath before proceeding to explain what she found. By the time she finished, I was already dressed, shoes on and car keys in hand.

"Don't go anywhere and don't do anything until I get there, okay? I'm on my way now."


I hung up the phone and turned around, almost smacking my face into a broad chest. Startled, I looked up, trying to keep myself from shaking. I was expecting to find Derris Renkin with a knife and a rag soaked in chloroform.

Instead I was looking up at Kory, a young and shy bus boy that occasionally talked to me. He looked down at me, seeming confused about why I was shaking so bad and he was probably wondering why I looked so relieved to see him.

"Uhm..Jinni?" he started awkwardly.

I raised an eyebrow.

"I've...ah..." He bit his lip, trying to figure out what to say. After a while he shoved a peice of paper at me. "Here. I know why you're working here. This might help."

I opened my mouth to reply, but before any sound came out, he whipped around and disappeared around the corner.

I stared after him for a moment, jaw still opened to ask what he had just shoved into my hand. After a bit, my jaw snapped shut and I looked down at the paper that was ensnared in my fingers. Slowly, I unfolded each crease and fold. My heart stopped when I found what Kory had shoved at me. After a moment of standing stunned in the back room of the resteraunt, I bolted for the front, where D was waiting.

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