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I shoved my hand in my pockets and walked out of my fourth hour classroom, head down. The rest of my class had already fled to their fifth hour. I slung my backpack over one shoulder and started on my way to the band room. It took me all five minutes of my passing time and then some to get from one end of the building to the other. I was late some days, but the band world was a close-knit community and Mr. O'Brian understood.

I trotted down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I came into contact with someone who felt shorter and lighter than me. I felt them tip backwards and I reached out to grab their wrist. I looked up to find myself looking at a pretty blonde girl. She looked up at me through green eyes, surprised and a little scared. From looking at her it looked like she was 16.

"S-sorry," she said, still startled.

I nodded to her, smiled a little, and let go of her wrist, hurrying past her to get to band.

I lost the ability to talk last month. Sometimes I forget and try to talk, but when I can't quite remember how, realize that my disease has taken my voice. The doctor has been telling me this would happen soon. Next my eyesight will go. Then my ability to walk. I've lay awake many times thinking about next year.

When my time is up.

I'll live to be 20 years young. I'm currently 19.

Everything I want from this life won't ever happen because of my disease. My peers talk about the colleges they'll be going to next year. I just sat there and stared at my hands.

As I walked by, the girl caught my wrist. "Hey."

I turned back to her.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded.

"Oh...okay..." she didn't seem certain.

I smiled at her again and turned to go.


I turned back and raised an eyebrow, starting to loose my patience.

"Uhm...you're Tyler, right?"

I nodded.

"So, you're the one with the...disease."

I nodded again.

She swallowed. "I need to talk to you. If that's okay," she added quickly.

I smiled and nodded.

"After school?"

Another nod.

"Where will you be?"

I pointed down the hall and to the left.

"Choir room?"

I shook my head and emphasized farther down the hall. I was really starting to miss my voice.


I nodded and pulled away, waving.

"Thanks, Tyler."

I smiled and turned to leave. As I walk down the hall, I was left with a warm, fuzzy feeling that was soon crushed into the ground by a cold realization that my disease was really starting to get in the way.


After band, I didn't bother to go to my sixth hour. I didn't think I could concentrate on math. I'd been thinking about the girl who I'd (literally) ran into. That she knew my name wasn't surprising. I'm pretty well known around the school due to my disease. But what did she want to talk to me about.

The sixth hour band class was starting to trickle in through the doors and I stood up and walked over to lean agaisnt the wall to wait for the rest of them to come in. When they didn't, I realized that the freshman class was only this big. I internally sighed and walked over to stand behind my section--the alto saxophones. They looked up at me, confused.

"What?" one of them demanded. He looked like one of the annoying kids that are "cool" among the rest of the freshmen. The kid next to him slapped his arm.

"Shut up, Mick." She turned her attention to me. "You play?"

I nodded.

"What grade are you in?" she asked.

I bit my lip and motioned with my hands the sign for 12 in sign language, hoping she understood. To my surprise, she did and started signing back.

Are you deaf too? she signed.

I smiled and shook my head. Not yet. Just mute.

She looked confused.

I sighed. Nevermind.

She looked confused but she nodded anyway and turned back to the front. Mr. O'Brian stood on his podium and called for the bands' attention. I sat back and watched my section play.

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