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Watch your back from now on. We're both targets now. Someone wants Kayla dead, and whoever it is, they don't give two cents about taking another life to do it.

So keep carrying on?

Just be careful. What else did you find about the poison?

It probably was ingested like crack cocaine--you snuff it. Whoever made it was smart. It's effective, unknown, and unbeatable for the time being. But if we can break down the components we can find a way to get it out of her system.

So she has a chance?

Peter nodded. If I can make an anidote for it, she'll live. But there's no promise her body will be the same. I think its goal is to wear out her body slowly until it completly shuts down.

Thanks. You're awesome.

Just trying to help. The hard part will be finding the guy with the poison. We don't have a suspect; even if we did we can't get a warrent, and the police need a legitament reason to go into a guys house to look for a substance that he made from scratch and may or may not still be in his basement and is slowly killing a young woman at this very moment. However, what we do have is evidence. I'll contact the police when everything is set and I've got all my proof together.

I have a suspect. Kind of.

He gave me a look of mixed emotions. I could tell he was trying to decide which emotion to be before he gave up and just took the pencil and notebook from me.

What? Did someone come after you?

Kind of. I thought I saw someone trying to get into the house or something. Then I guess they must have freaked out because they ran away. I got the license plate number. So if we can't get them on attempted murder, at least we might be able to get them for attempted robbery. Or at least a speeding ticket. Pretty sure he was over 30mph.

He thought for a moment before writing something down below my barely-ledgable handwriting.

I'll see what I can do. Give me the lisence.

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