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Darris Renkin

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 170 lbs

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Grey

DOB: 7 May 1963

History: 2 speeding tickets; 1 DUI; auto theft

4849 Lanton Ave. S, Port Orchard, Washington

Drivers License #: J374794379583

I slammed the notebook paper on the table. The page stick to it fluttered to the side and folded funny at where it was stapled to the first page. Peter looked up.

"That's our guy," I declared triumphantly.

Peter pushed aside the chemistry bottles and picked up the papers, pushing his black rectangular glasses back onto his nose. He didn't linger long on the first page. It didn't surprise me much. The page probably didn't make any sense and all he cared about was the guys name and place of residency. The second page was what he was interested in.

Like I guessed, he flipped to the picture of Renkin almost immediatly, examining every feature thoroughly before moving on the flip the page back over and looking up at me.

"Now what?" he asked.

My jaw opened, but I didn't know what to tell him right away and I snapped it shut again. After hesitating a moment more, I answered him.

"We find a lawyer and get a warrent to go into his house."


"It's not a very stable case, D..."

"I know."

"Little evidence, only two small incidents, one kind of big one as a teen...that's not a very threatening criminal history..."

"I know."

"Mmm...I don't know about this. I need time."

"We don't have time to give you, Jinni. I'm sorry, but a girl's live is at risk. If you say yes, I give you the file and you start working on it and you take no other cases. If you say no, then fine. I leave and you take on something else. It's up to you though. But once you're in, you're in. No backing out."

She bit her lip. "D... why me?"

"Because you're the best attourney I know that I know would something like this for someone else."

She cracked her knuckles, looking at the tile before looking back up at him.

"Fine. You got me on board."

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