Chapter Fifty-One

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I heard gunshots coming from the Weapons Lab. Fearing that Tris is in trouble I rush over there and see that her gun is lying in the hallway in front of it. I grab it and run into the Weapons Lab fearing for her life. 

At this point, it looks like the death serum has dissipated so I rush in and see David slumped over in his chair holding his gun and Tris lying on the floor, with a major bullet wound in her stomach as well as one in her neck. 

I rush over to her and feel for her pulse which is almost nonexistent. "TRIS!" I scream her name hoping it would bring her back to consciousness but fails. I pick up her limp body and rush to the infirmary praying it isn't too late. 

By the time we get to the infirmary, her pulse is gone and all the color has left her face. Luckily the doctors had yet to have been affected by the memory serum virus and rushed her into emergency surgery. 

I sit in the waiting area with my head between my knees blaming myself for this. I shouldn't have let her take my place, it's all my fault. 

A doctor comes out to tell me the surgery was successful, but she had lost a lot of blood and her chances are extremely slim.

He takes me to her room and she is comatose, tubes everywhere, a machine breathing for her. The color that used to fill her face is going and she's pale as a ghost. I sit holding her limp hand, waiting for her to come back. 

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