Chapter 3: Wishing for the Stardust

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Song Credits: Crystal Skies - Stardust (feat. HALIENE)

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

Skyelle experiences another painful memory, and her friend asks her about it, making the girl act cold. 

She didn't know that was the last she'd see of her friend either...


I watch the stars above me. My father had long since went to sleep, and I avoided any contact by going outside in the backyard. 

I was lying on my back, eyes trinkling at the stars. I wished for the day where I could be free of my horrible father.

All I had for awhile was my mother, who'd treat me better. Then it was all taken away the day I was two years old. He killed her. Taken away from my dying mother's body, I cry for her to save me.

He hits me everyday. It was a miracle that I was still alive. Yelling, was all I heard. One time I managed to leave, but he only found and beat me.

If this continues, then I need to leave this place for good...


It was spaghetti night. But I was too drained to even lift my fork. My stomach growls for food, yet I was busy thinking about my past memories again.

My best friend was busy talking with other kids, and the sight made my stomach twirl in jealousy. I know that I shouldn't think like this, but I can't help it.

Leaning down, I put my head down on the table. I hadn't realized that I started crying, until I felt tears drop. My chest moves from sobbing.

It stung. Other kids out there had moms that loved them. And I lost mine so long ago. My heart aches just wanting for someone to adopt me, and to love me unconditionally.

The noises around me fade out. My ears seemed fuzzy. My eyes get fuzzy too. I was self disassociating again. This body doesn't feel like mine anymore.

I feel a hand on my back. Tilting up, I see a worried Ms. Harper staring worriedly at me. "Are you okay dear? You looked like you were crying." I sniffle.

"I-I was. I just want a family to love me, and yet I might never leave..." She smiles caringly. "Well if you don't get adopted soon, I can adopt you." I look up. Her face is soft.

"You can? I thought that people here can't do that." She sighs. "Well, I'm not one if those people, so why can't I? Besides I always wanted a daughter..." 

Patting my back, she walks away. Just as I about to put my head down, Theo walks up to me. "Are you okay Skyelle?" I shake my head.

My tear stained cheeks were red from all of my sobbing. He sits by me. "What is it?" My eyes look away. Nobody ever cared before, so why'd they care now?

"N-nothing. Don't worry about me." I say coldly. He walks away dejectedly, and I wanted to get up and hug him. But I didn't. I may've just pushed my only friend away.

However I knew that my friend wouldn't leave me, right?


"Mama look! I'm a snow angel!" I get up from my snow angel making in the snow. A woman with my hair color and eyes grab me up, making me squeal.

"I see. Are you ready to go home yet? I'll make hot chocolate tonight." I nod, smiling at my mother. I hug her as we walk home.

Opening the door, we see a drunk father. He comes our way, and she scowls. She sets me down. "Go to your room honey, okay? I'll handle this."

I nod, immediately running to my bedroom. I hear yelling downstairs, making me hide under my blanket. Then I hear it, a scream.

Dashing down the stairs, I see my mother on the ground, red coming from her. My dad was standing over her body. My eyes tear up as he comes over to me.

"You stupid brat. Ever since you were born she no longer paid me attention. I'll make you suffer." He drags me away from my dying mom.

I scream as he hits me, and I fall against the wall, bleeding from my side. He yells, "Leave before I finish!"

With my feet feeling strained, I hide under my blanket again. The injury made me cry at the sight of it. My only loving parent was gone. And now I had a horrible father left.


It felt more empty in the room when I woke up. I turn to look at my best friend's bed. He was gone. My heart skips. Getting up, I look all over for him.

I whisper. "Theo! Where are you?" I had to apologize, but now I was panicking. My little feet were making small steps as I look down the staircase.

Then I duck behind the wall as I see adults walking by. I thought everyone was supposed to be sleeping? 

That didn't get my attention though, the red gas did. It was back. 


I was currently being taken away from my bed. Taken away from my best friend. I tried to get free. I was in trouble now. But my friend needed more from me, and I failed them. I just had to get caught looking for papers.

I wasn't stupid. I knew what happened to those 'adopted' kids. And they were here, and were about to do the same to me. Something about a Smiling Critter? Their talking about needing a 'protector' for Playcare, and I was going to be their next sacrifice.

My eyes tear up. Skyelle didn't mean to be cold to me, it was clear that she was hurting. I could never get mad at my best friend. Not for very long was I going to be awake.

Especially when I felt something poke me. Injecting me with some sort of weird red liquid. I start screaming, and someone places their hand over my mouth. My brown eyes water. I felt really sleepy.

If I was going to die, then I should at least recall fond memories to remember after all of this. My favorite place to sit. My favorite book. 

And one of the last memories that I had in my mind was her smile...


I was still crying. My best friend, and my only friend was gone. He hasn't come back in awhile. The 'sun' was already rising.

What if I was next to disappear? Then what?

I just wanted to be taken away from this orphanage. Have someone who actually would want me around to adopt me.

Flashes of the claw appear again. What was that, and why did it seem to be connected to my friend's disappearance?

The morning soon came, and I was back to attending school. My teacher obviously noticed my lack of a smile, and pats my back.

"What is it Skyelle?" Shakily I answer. "My friend, Theo is gone. And I don't know what c-could've happened to him..."

Miss Delight hums, "That does seem terrible. I do hope that he's okay. If anything, you have to be adopted soon. I have a bad feeling..." Walking away, I lay my head down on my table.

As much as I crushed on him, he was like a sort of brother to me. And now we weren't both getting adopted by the same family. If that was to happen that is.

Today has left me scarred...

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