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"pretty thing." geonu cooed. "such a pretty thing. my doll."

a hand ran down the side of the pretty doll's face. he was such a sight to never get tired of, which is what geonu loved about him. his pretty face and his physique, like the holy grail of beauty—petite, slim, and perfectly proportioned.

"please." taehyun whispered, but was quickly cut off by a finger pressed to his lips.

"ah, ah. not a word, doll."

taehyun desperately wants to be free.

now, it wasn't everyday where he skips class under his boyfriend's command to be pushed up against the wall of a locked bathroom stall, half undressed. maybe on the luckier days he would be on a bed in a locked room for privacy. however some misfortunate days led to him being all tied up and restricted, in both public and private. it wasn't nice on taehyun's behalf.

his body shivered under the cold touch of no love, just lust. he felt numb and couldn't even cry anymore.

everyday was the same. it's like his life purpose was to serve as a sex toy for geonu. but it's not just sex, but for anger management and stress relief. taehyun was just some stupid toy for geonu to use but... to never throw away.

taehyun wasn't allowed feelings of his own. he wasn't even allowed to be near anyone or have any friends. not that anyone even wanted to talk to him anyways— he was just labelled as some slut.

geonu grabbed taehyun's arm, facing his wrists upwards. he tutted, "i better see those scars gone soon."


"why would a pretty doll do such a thing? you're just ruining your perfect body." geonu's voice was stern. there was not an ounce of care. he just wanted his pretty doll's body in a pristine condition.

but how could it be so-called pristine when it's all used up?

"those scars are damn irritating. your body would be so perfect without them."

"i'm sorry."

" 'sorry' won't reverse those cuts."

taehyun felt his throat go dry.

"go back to your lecture now. i'm done." geonu let go of him, completely discarding his boyfriend as he turned around to dress himself.

taehyun couldn't feel his body and he felt so weak. paralysed, even. when geonu let go of him, he collapsed to the cold bathroom floor. geonu didn't even seem to notice as he left once he was done dressing.

"do me a favor and keep your pretty mouth shut. no one will know about this."

"save me..." he whispered, and he felt his eyelids droop.


"taehyun...? kang taehyun?"

someone's voice brought him back to consciousness. shit— did he pass out in the bathrooms? how embarrassing. who knew how many people saw.

taehyun slowly opened his eyes, and he couldn't process the face in front of him. "i-i'm sorry-"

"oh. there's no need to apologise. you're taehyun, right? i'm hueningkai, i'm in your lectures." the boy, now known as hueningkai, smiled.

weird. why did he smile at him?

taehyun's mind felt cloudy. "what happened..?"

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