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beomgyu watched everything.

however he couldn't exactly make out what they were saying, he knew it was nothing good. he stood from afar and watched taehyun as he cried on the pavement, stuck whether if he should do something or not. perhaps it would make it worse if he let taehyun knew he watched everything. he felt his hand twitch, desperately wanting to reach out for him but in the end he ultimately decided it was best to not.

so that's why taehyun acts the way he does, huh..?

if only beomgyu knew what else was going on.

he sighed and turned away, walking to his own home.


"pretty doll." geonu's voice broke him out of his trance.

taehyun quickly sat up and wiped away his tears. he couldn't remember how long he's been outside for ever since his boyfriend locked him for being a mere five minutes past his curfew.

"i didn't mean that, i was just too worried about you." he softly cooed, "come back in and wait on the bed for me, okay doll?"

he didn't want to. he really didn't want to be used right now. but he doesn't have a choice.

slowly, he got up from the pavement and was finally brought back in the comfort of his home. just to be used again.

the same routine every time.

taehyun was getting really tired.


"taehyun-ah! did you get home safe? beomgyu didn't do anything, right?" yeonjun asked as the said boy approached their usual table.

"o-oh- yeah... everything was okay." taehyun smiled. as much as he could, he tried to avoid beomgyu due to what happened last night...

he sat down on his regular seat as but before kai could sit down next to him as usual, beomgyu unexpectedly stood up. "sit here, kai."

"what- why?"

"i said sit here." his voice went darker.

kai didn't dare fight back. questionably, he switched places with beomgyu.

taehyun gulped when beomgyu sat next to him. not just that, but he was really close too. they were practically touching each other.

soobin and yeonjun exchanged glances, silently communicating with each other. there was definitely something that happened, they just don't know about it.

"erm... so do you guys have plans for the weekend?" kai tries to avoid the awkwardness.

the conversation went on in the background as taehyun couldn't seem to focus when beomgyu was close to him. what was he doing? why was he even doing this? is he okay? was it because what happened?

he just hopes the older doesn't try and talk to him-

"taehyun." he whispered so that only the two would hear.

he honestly just wants a blackhole to swallow him. "...y-yeah?"

"what's your boyfriend's name?" taehyun felt his heart stop beating for a split second.

"uhm... lee geonu. why?"

"i think we take the same major." beomgyu responded so nonchalantly. it was so difficult to read him and tell what he was thinking.

taehyun just nodded a bit awkwardly. recently, he's noticed how strange beomgyu seems to be acting. he can't tell whether he still hates him (for some apparent reason..) or not. or maybe beomgyu pitied him.

everything was so confusing to him. he doesn't know what to do anymore. once beomgyu found out, it felt as if everything has ended for him. at this point, he should just give up.

"beomgyu, can you study with me later?"

"no, i'm busy." the latter said dismissively before standing up and leaving the table, making everyone puzzled.


"why'd he leave?"

"did something happen, taehyun?" soobin asked. ever since the beginning, he's noticed something was off.

"i-i'm not sure..." he mumbled. his head hurts and he could feel his breath go shaky again. it was as if the world stopped spinning and everything around him started to blur. he clutched onto his hoodie tightly, beads of sweat glistening. with each passing moment, his breathing grows shallower and suddenly all the voices around him went silent.

his chest feels as if something heavy was weighing down against it, and he desperately tried to find air around him.

just as he feels on the brink of collapse, a pair of arms encircle him. but he was too weak to stay awake for any longer.


taehyun slowly regained consciousness and the world around him began to unfold. his head hurts so bad and there was a sharp pain through his chest. the light was blinding to him as his eyes flutters open.

"taehyun-ah... this is the second time... are you okay?" yeonjun said, sounding very worried. more worried than he should be.

taehyun couldn't speak. where even was he? perhaps at the infirmary. he tried to get a bit more familiar with his surroundings and ground himself.

"take it slow, taehyunie." a soothing voice reassured him.

"have you been eating well? did you get enough sleep? are you staying hydrated? are you overheating? is your blood pressure okay? do you take meds?" soobin asked a lot of questions which resulted in a smack from the eldest and a small "shut up".

in honesty, taehyun wasn't sure why this was happening to himself either. he wished he was normal. everything was slowly killing him.

he blinked and looked around himself, counting three people. one's missing.

"...where's beomgyu-hyung?" he asked shakingly.

"uhm... we're not so sure either. he said he was busy."

"taehyun-ah... we're really worried for you. do you want us to find your boyfriend? maybe he can h-"

"no!" taehyun said, a bit too quickly. "i-i mean- no... he, uh... he's a very busy person... i-i don't want to be a burden."

"but he's your boyfriend, taehyun. of course you're not a burden. i'm sure he'd be happy to help you." soobin reassured, but it really was pointless.

taehyun doesn't know how to explain it to them.


a/n :
sorry for the messy chapter guys🙁 but i really hope you enjoy this series so far >< i don't really have a plan on how long i'm gonna make it and etc but ig it depends on how successful this book is...??!?!?!

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