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"lee geonu."

beomgyu knew that name was familiar, and god. he couldn't get that scene out of his head. the things he saw on the other day. how could a human even treat one like that? he hates to admit it, but ever since then, he's grown a bit softer to taehyun. and he doesn't know why, but he feels the need to protect him.

to protect taehyun.

of course beomgyu didn't like him in the beginning, and he still doesn't. but for some reason, the fact that someone as innocent and as sweet as him was being treated the way he is really stirred his mind, and he wanted to find out more about it.

not that he cares...

he doesn't care.

does he care?

beomgyu needs a distraction from his thoughts.

he went to the library, hoping for some silence and quiet time in there. he didn't really mean to leave his friends... and taehyun (he wouldn't consider taehyun a friend,) but he really wanted to get out of there.

why was he even like this?

maybe it's the way that taehyun acts that has gotten to him. and it really damn irritates him. taehyun was so annoying, and beomgyu wanted to curse himself for even caring about him in the first place. why would he care about some slut like him?

but... no matter how many times he tells himself that, it wouldn't conceal the urge to protect him.

beomgyu sat down in some corner to be alone for a bit, dearly hoping his friends wouldn't chase him in here. getting out his phone, he plugs in earphones to listen to music for some downtime. but... oh.

that doesn't stifle the sounds of moans coming from afar behind the bookshelves. how disgusting.

not that beomgyu's really in a place to say anything.

he listened for a bit; not because he was a pervert... curiosity just got the best of him. but by that, he only realised that perhaps he wasn't supposed to listen.

"ah, geonu~"

"you're so pretty, babe..."

"mmh... prettier than taehyun?"

"god, much prettier."

"when will you break up with that- that freak... ah..."

"soon, babe, i promise."

beomgyu gulped. geonu and taehyun... was taehyun being cheated on? oh god. did he even know about this?

he remained silent, trying not to make a sound. how vile. why is taehyun still with this bitch? he just sighed, turning up the volume of his music. he figured it was in his best interests to not get involved in it. not for now.

how could one cheat on someone as pretty as taehyun anyways?

god, beomgyu, get ahold of yourself.


beomgyu was stuck in his thoughts the whole day. maybe it wasn't best to skip lectures and ignore the texts from his friends but instead stay in the library for the whole day. he doesn't even know what he's doing anymore.

he was about to walk home, but he has to blink twice to realise taehyun was at the gates. still? at this hour? lectures ended a while ago and he should've been home by now. where was this child's stupid boyfriend? now he was stuck in a dilemma if he should just walk by and ignore him, or if he should approach him and do something about it. he hates to admit that he was a bit concerned.

the second option was chosen.


the said boy flinched upon the sudden mention of his name. he turned around, and seemed... surprised to see beomgyu. he didn't say anything but just stared.

god, how annoying.

"why are you still out here?"

"erm... i'm waiting for my boyfriend so we can walk home together." taehyun said with a damn forced smile.

beomgyu narrowed his eyes.

he doesn't know what to say, especially considering what he's heard earlier in the library. god, taehyun really doesn't deserve someone as vile as geonu.

"i'll walk you home." what are you doing beomgyu?!

the latter went silent and hesitant about it. "...thank you- b-but uhm. my boyfriend would be mad." he said, but he knew geonu would be more than mad.

beomgyu tsked. why does taehyun care so much about his boyfriend? "not everything's about him. y'know. you have a life." he muttered before grabbing the younger's hand and dragging him.

"w-wait- but-"

"who cares, you'll meet him at home anyways."


his voice got deeper, "taehyun."

"...okay." taehyun eventually gave in. he's risking so much and getting himself in trouble just for his friends.

the walk home was silent. taehyun had noticed that the other didn't let go of his hand at all. that made a small blush creep up his cheeks. he was surprised that beomgyu seemed to have memorise the way to his house too.

why did beomgyu care so suddenly?

"hyung...?" taehyun broke the silence. beomgyu just responded with a hum but didn't look in his direction. "do you pity me?"

"...what do you mean?"

taehyun gulped. "nevermind. it's stupid."

it really wasn't stupid and it's been bothering taehyun for so long. why was beomgyu caring for him so much now? he used to never want anything to do with him, now they're spending time together. did the older just pity him after seeing his scars? was it all just fake sympathy?

"of course i pity you. you're such a poor thing, having to slut himself out to be liked." beomgyu chuckled.


that made taehyun's insides twist. it hurts.

so he was right, it was pity the entire time-

"jeez, don't look so upset. i was joking." beomgyu muttered, seemingly ashamed about his 'joke' now. he was just too prideful to admit that he cares.


taehyun didn't know what else to say. they just carried on their walk to his house. for some reason, it feels weird to be with beomgyu. there was this feeling inside of him that makes him naturally drawn to beomgyu, something that makes him somewhat safe around the older. yet, a part of him thinks he shouldn't. that he shouldn't be with beomgyu.

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