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"would you still licked ice cream?"

what does that even mean?

those same words lingered in his mind for a while and he couldn't seem to make sense of it. how does that even relate to what was happening with taehyun?

this was so sickening. geonu was insane. he needs to warn taehyun about him before he does any worse-

"where's taehyun...?" yeonjun was the first to break the silence between them.

everyone was silent and no one talked. there was thick tension in the air and everyone could tell beomgyu was in a bad mood, even worse than usual hence why they were too scared to say anything.

"did he attend the lectures, hyuka?"

"erm... yeah... h-he ignored me when i said hi." even kai himself sounds so depressing and upset. THE huening kamal kai. sounds upset.

beomgyu gritted his teeth. he just knew it was something to do with geonu, and that got his blood boiling. he doesn't even know why he cares so much and he feels as if he shouldn't, but...

"beomgyu?" a voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"what?" his tone came out a bit meaner and ruder than he intended it to.

"do you know something about it?"

beomgyu scoffed, "no, why would i?" and he stood up, leaving the three of them dumbfounded.

he remembers taehyun saying that he majors in music along with hueningkai. that's how he found himself skipping his own lectures to find taehyun somewhere in the music building.

"taehyun-ah!" beomgyu called when he saw that familiar short brunette walking around the building in the midst of a crowd.

the two made direct eye contact to taehyun's horror, and the said boy froze.

"taehyun-ah." he repeated, trying to get past the crowd to have a word with that boy.

no. no. no. why is he here?

taehyun panicked for a mere second. he briefly looked around himself to find a quick exit to escape this situation. as beomgyu was busy going past the swarm of people, he quickly ran the other direction.

"tae-" beomgyu called out again, but was quickly stopped when the boy he was looking for was... gone. "-hyun..."

god, damn it.

this is frustrating for the both of us, kang.

last night

"kang fucking taehyun." geonu cursed breathlessly, and he comes around the corner to see the said boy on the bed as asked. he was still not pleased at all. "who was that? what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

the older wasted no time in removing his top, undoing his buttons before pushing his boyfriend down onto the bed forcefully. "hyung-"

"shut up." a strike to his face. a numbing sensation. "i said i'd make you regret it."

taehyun could do nothing but shed tears.

"god, look at you. here i thought i was being nice by allowing you to have some friends." he scoffed, "what an ungrateful brat. undress, now."

the younger snivelled, doing what he was told. it wasn't anything new anyways, but the pain was something that could pierce him a thousand times yet he wouldn't be used to it. his clothes and undergarments were discarded on the floor, and geonu couldn't help but to notice the way taehyun kept his arms towards himself.

"what did you do now?" he said sarcastically before forcefully grabbing taehyun's wrist who tried to resist.

"no!-" taehyun cried.

"no? no? do you want to say that again?" geonu growled, visibly displeased with the response he's gotten from the younger.

the boy didn't have the guts to talk back again. instead, he squeaked and let geonu to do as he pleases despite the consequence he knows he'll face.

geonu faced his wrists turned up, only to scowl when he sees more of those sickening scars. new ones. "how many times have i told you to stop this?!" he lashed out. "it's disgusting! i want a perfect body to use. not some... scarred bitch."

he spat, pushing his away. glaring down at the younger, he narrowed his eyes when there was no response and it only fuelled his anger.

"kang," slap.

"fucking," slap.

"taehyun," slap.

"answer me, goddamnit!" slap.

taehyun whimpered. "i-i'm sorry..."

"you should be sorry for yourself! no one's going to want you with those stupid scars! not even me." taehyun could feel even more tears. the world around him began to spin, and he couldn't keep focus. "you're lucky you have me. i'm all you have, y'know?" geonu purred.

"tell me now," his tone darkened. "what's that guys name?"

oh. so they didn't know each other this whole time? it got even more confusing. everything was spinning.

taehyun refused to answer. he knew that if he told geonu, he would ruin beomgyu's life. and he wants to protect beomgyu.

"oh? not answering me now, huh?" he laced his hands through the younger's brunette locks, tugging on it forcefully. "i'll give you another chance-"

"-what's that guys name. tell me now, or i'll fucking ruin your life forever." taehyun's life was already ruined, how could it honestly get worse than this?

"...i'm not- not... telling you..." he forced out. he's doing this for the sake of beomgyu.

a tug on his hair elicited a whimper out of the younger. "i advise you tell me now, or i'll just find out myself."

taehyun sobbed. he doesn't know what to do, and he wants to keep his friends safe. he wasn't even that close to them yet, but they made him feel alive. they made him smile for the first time in a while. they brought back some hope in life, so there's no way he could put them in danger now.

"kang taehyun. what will it be?"

"i... i want to... i want to break up with you."

"oh? how cute. thinking you could easily run away from me just like that." geonu mocked, his grip tightening around the smaller.

"break up with me and i'll ruin your friends' reputation forever."

"wh-what-" taehyun choked.

"i know everything there is to know, doll." he purred, "i could easily ruin their lives forever. now it's either, you stay with me and never talk to them again, and your friends will be okay, or leave me and i'll make all your lives' miserable. it's your choice."

"...i-i-" he doesn't know what to do anymore. his mind was spiralling and suddenly he lost comprehension of the world around him.

"choose wisely, little one."


a/n :
i said this will be a somewhat slow burn fic but i feel like it's actually a bit too fast paced... what do you guys think??🙁

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