A Night to Remember <3

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You had already spent quite a number of days on that ship and always seemed to drift near Mystras a lot. You simply found yourself around him the most. You didn't know if if was because you were a tad scared of everyone else on this ship or if it was just because he was cute, maybe a little of both. Either way you started to get to know him the fastest.

After another day ended, you stood out on the deck. The stars shined above the sea. At the moment you wished you could fall asleep, but you didn't feel completely safe with a drunken Sinbad trying to get you to sleep with him. So, you decided to wait until he was asleep. Thus you stood on deck watching the night sky.

"(Name)?" The voice surprised you and you turned around to see who it was.

"Oh, Mystras. How's it going?"

"Good." He smiled goofily. "What about you? Can't sleep?"

"More like won't sleep, not with Sinbad around at least." You slightly laughed before looking back out on the water. Then you glanced through the corner of your eye at Mystras who was blushing. He seemed to blush pretty often around you. From what you had seen, he was just as into women as Sinbad, but way more awkward around them or at least around you. While both Sinbad and Mystras would hit on you, Mystras would always be blushing whereas Sinbad would be completely calm about it. But, Mystras' blushing was actually pretty adorable, he was like a puppy who was just begging you for attention.

As you looked at Mystras he glanced over at you. The moment your eyes met you looked away as fast as you could. It took you a little time before you grew the courage to look back. His flustered face was blushing at the sea. Then he looked back up until your gazes crossed. Only that time you both didn't look away. You could hear your heart racing in your chest as you tried to think of something to say.

"(Name), you're really beautiful."

That was all it took to send you into a flustered mess as you tried to cover your face with your hands. "Ugh, if you say things like that you're going to make me blush."

"Huh? But, you've already been blushing this whole time."

You peaked out from behind your hands, "W-well, so have you."

"I-I have?" He blushed even more from that.

"Yes, you have been." You pulled your hands away from your face as you looked directly into his eyes.


"Ah, I was just wondering what you looked like without your turban on."

"Without my turban? I guess I don't really look that much different than I do now."

"Oh... really?" You turned so you were facing him and found yourself reaching up to take it off. He lowered his head down so you could get a better reach while you stood on your toes. As your face neared his, you felt his arms go around your waist as your hands got a hold of his turban. You undid it pulling his head down closer to yours as you closed your eyes. Then you felt him push his warm lips gently against yours. They were so soft and the kiss made you melt into his arms. You didn't want it to end, but eventually you had to part. In a romantic haze you looked up at him as you let his turban fall to the deck.



"You were right. You really don't look any different without your turban on."


A/N: Awwwwww O//w//O. Mystras is sooo cute!

PAY ATTENTION: <- everyone likes all caps. Anyway, recently my one of my biggest supporters and biggest fan >.< wrote a Yandere story which I'm really really loving~
Her username is Calintha so go check it out. The story is called My Sweet Shina (almost wrote shins XD) She's one of the main reasons you are able to read this chapter right now ^^

Yandere-ish! Mystras Leoxses x Reader (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now