An Argument!

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<< Mystras' POV >>

(Name) was so cute, however since that incident I've been horribly worried about her. What's worse is that she's been getting a bit fidgety. It scared me to think she would be trying to get up. If she kept at it she might hurt herself again. At least that promise would keep her in place for a while, hopefully, and if she broke it then I would also break mine about not locking her door.

Since she was hurt I had been staying in one of the other rooms in her house. I couldn't just leave her alone. I was prepared to spend the rest of my life protecting her.

As I laid in bed I imagined her beautiful face and how she looked sleeping, cuddled in her bed. I couldn't take it anymore and had to get up to see her again.

I silently made my way to her room. I could feel my face burning as I had a bit of a smile on my face. I opened the door and slipped inside.

There she laid fast asleep. So beautiful~ I walked right next to her. How dare anyone hurt her. I was glad I had already dealt with that problem though.

My mind focused on the only important thing. I wanted to touch her. I caressed her soft cheek before leaving a kiss on her lips. The whole time she lay unaware of my presence, just sleeping peacefully.

Taking my chance I climbed into the bed with her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my chest. She seemed so fragile and delicate. Her body, much smaller than mine.

I kissed her again, being very gentle as to not wake her. I glanced at her chest and feeling myself blushing madly I gave her a kiss on the forehead before I saw the eyes of a small cat peaking out from under the covers. It hissed at me and started to growl before spitting at me and trying to scratch me. Ha, well at least I could trust that thing to protect (Name).

"G'night." I whispered as I left her sleeping self. With that I knew I would be able to sleep peacefully that night.

<< Your POV >>

Light coming in from the small rectangular window awoke you. You stretched out and sat up in bed. You still couldn't stand being in bed. But you also didn't want to worry Mystras. You sighed a little, but then an idea struck you. Just stand up in bed. You would still be in bed after all. So you stood up and walked around the bed a little. It was kind of fun, so you started jumping on it. Gosh, you must have been really bored.

You supposed it was about time that you told Mystras that you WERE going to get up and he couldn't stop you. You would apologize for worrying him, but you couldn't stay in bed or it would threaten your sanity! Besides, that promise you made... well he had no right to lock the door without your permission or keep you in bed! So, up you stood and marched down the stairs to where he was most likely preparing breakfast. As you walked in he jumped and ran over to you. Without saying anything, but with a flustered look on his face, he practically started dragging you to your room. "Stop it, Mystras!"

He flinched as you yelled at him. "(N-Name)?!" He asked with a tone as if he was scolding a child.

"I am going to get up and I won't let you lock MY door, unless you give me the key!" You felt yourself getting angry with him. Was this really going to turn into your first fight?

He was once again pulling you to your room. "(Name)! You know that no matter how hard you want to act like you weren't just stabbed, your body can't keep up with you! I'm-"

"No! You can just leave!" You pulled your hand away from him. Even though you didn't want to say that, you did. You were just so angry. "Get out!"

Mystras looked shocked as his eyes widened. You had to look to the side of you. What was horrible was that it was such a stupid argument. He was just worried about you, but still... you couldn't handle him being so controlling.

He looked at you. A few tears slid down his face making your heart ache. "Fi-ine..." He practically sobbed out before running off to somewhere.

Yandere-ish! Mystras Leoxses x Reader (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now