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The time had come. Night had fallen and the Faunas were all more than ready to act out the plan. Adam and I had the rough parts, but if we pulled it off, it was a smooth ride from there. The Faunas all gather up with each other around the barrels while Adam and I approach the exit of the cavern. 

Adam: Alright. Just as we planned. 

The two of us leave the cave and see there's barely any activity outside. But one thing we didn't anticipate was a snowstorm closing in. If we were going to escape, we had to do this plan as quickly as possible. I pat Adam's back.

Mutasim: Be careful. 

Adam: I will. You just keep an eye out for any stray guards. 

The two of us share a nod before we split up to follow the plan. I crouch down and keep next to the entrance of the cave. A few minutes pass before I see a light flicker in the base. My head turns back to the cave where all the Faunas have gathered. I wave them over, signalling for them to leave the cave. Slowly and carefully, they follow the command. 

I lead the way towards the airship and we wait. However, I can't help but worry about the oncoming storm. It was like a barrier of snow and ice. Considering how cold it was in the cave, I really didn't want to know what it would be like to get caught up in that mess. 

We wait a little while longer while Adam searches for the keys. But I begin to hear the chattering of teeth from the other Faunas. Without any proper clothing and without being inside anything, we'll freeze to death. All of a sudden, I hear a shout, prompting me to spin my head to the source. 

The shout came from a human soldier holding a child Faunas at gunpoint. A doll was dropped into the snow. The kid must have tried to grab it, but was spotted. I grit my teeth and debate what to do. As the human draws closer to the child, I realise I can't wait any longer and I rush forward. I jump onto the soldier's back and try to swipe the gun out of their hands. He struggles and flails around in an attempt to get me off his back. 

After some time, I was able to swipe the gun out of his hands and into the snow. However, he was able to grab me and tossed me onto the ground. I let out a low groan as I turn over onto my back. My eyes widen as the soldier sits on my chest and begins to throw punches at my face. I raise my arms to protect my face, but he pries them open and then repeatedly punches me in the face, or more precisely, over my right eye. I grunt with each connecting hit and feel my world becoming all fuzzy and dizzy as my head throbs in agony. After the 15th punch, exhaustion takes over my body and I can't see anything out of my right eye. A warm substance runs down my face. 

Soldier: Fucking animals...! 

Despite me not being able to see clearly, I see the soldier reaching for something in a holster and holding it up to my left eye. Whatever it was, it was something sharp and small. He reels it back and plunges it down on me. Ignoring the exhaustion and pain in my body, I raise my arms and grab hold of the soldier's hands, doing my best to keep the sharp object away from me. But even as I put all my effort into pushing against the soldier, the object draws closer and closer. The best I manage is to lower it away from my face. 

All of a sudden, a figure tackles the soldier off me, but I feel the object cut across my neck, drawing blood. My eyes widen as I feel warmth begin to leak from my neck. I raise my hands to my neck and see blood painting my palms. I begin to feel short of breath and my body begins to falter. I keep my hands against my bleeding neck, trying my best to slow or halt the flow of blood. My vision begins to darken. Time begins to slow down. 

After some time, I feel someone pick me up and carry me off somewhere, but I can't see anymore. All I had to go on was my hearing and even then, everything sounded so distant and empty, almost like it was all an echo. I feel my world fading into nothing as I fall asleep. 

I don't know how long I was out for, but I kept on randomly waking up throughout whatever journey we were on. My first time waking up, Adam was next to me, doing his best to tend to my neck wound while the other Faunas watched with worry and concern. I wasn't conscious enough to speak with anyone and I fell back asleep before anyone even knew I had woken up. 

With each time I woke up, I felt more and more dead and empty. There was nothing I could do and I felt like such a burden. 


I woke up to my new home and new life, which I could only hope was better. 

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