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Returning home after a long day of skating, Ni-ki collapsed onto the couch with a dramatic sigh, complaining about his exhaustion. Sunghoon, however, remained silent, his thoughts consumed by the events of the day.

Sensing Sunghoon's aloofness, Ni-ki attempted to lighten the mood by suggesting they watch a movie together. But Sunghoon seemed lost in his own thoughts, barely registering Ni-ki's words.

Growing frustrated with Sunghoon's lack of response, Ni-ki approached him and gently tapped his nose bridge, drawing Sunghoon's attention. "あなたはとても失礼ですが、同時にハンサムです?!" (You're so rude but at the same time handsome?!) Ni-ki teased, knowing Sunghoon wouldn't understand Japanese but seizing the opportunity to compliment him nonetheless.

Sunghoon frowned, puzzled by Ni-ki's sudden change in demeanor. "What?" he asked, his confusion evident.

Ignoring Sunghoon's question, Ni-ki persisted, suggesting they watch a movie together and handing him the remote. Sunghoon hesitated for a moment before reluctantly setting his phone aside and accepting the remote from Ni-ki.

As Sunghoon scrolled through the movie options, Ni-ki leaned in closer, eager to see what he would choose. After a few minutes of deliberation, Sunghoon's eyes lit up as he found a movie that piqued his interest.

"Oh, wow! I love that movie," Ni-ki exclaimed, surprised by Sunghoon's choice.

"You've watched it already?" Sunghoon asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Yes, Sunghoon-san! But I really want to rewatch it, so it's a perfect time, I guess- eyy, don't worry i won't spoil it" Ni-ki replied enthusiastically.

Sunghoon hesitated for a moment before finally relenting. "Alright," he agreed, a faint smile playing on his lips as Ni-ki's excitement rubbed off on him.

As the movie came to its bittersweet conclusion, Sunghoon couldn't shake off the melancholy that settled over him. The unresolved ending left a lingering sadness in his heart, mirroring the uncertainties of his own life.

With a heavy sigh, Sunghoon reached to turn off the TV, the room falling into silence as the credits rolled on the screen. But before he could rise from the couch, he felt Ni-ki's weight leaning heavily against his shoulder, the gentle rise and fall of his breathing indicating that he had succumbed to sleep.

Sunghoon hesitated, unsure of what to do next. He glanced down at Ni-ki, who seemed to be sleeping soundly, despite his grip on Sunghoon's arm. "Ni-ki," Sunghoon began softly, but his words were cut off by Ni-ki's sleepy murmur.

Realizing that Ni-ki was asleep, Sunghoon gently disentangled himself from Ni-ki's hold, intending to get up from the couch. However, Ni-ki's grip tightened, a soft whine escaping his lips as he clung to Sunghoon.

"Sunghoon-san..." Ni-ki's voice was barely audible, his words muffled by sleep. Sunghoon frowned, unsure of how to respond. "Are you... sleep-talking right now?" he muttered under his breath, receiving no response from Ni-ki.

Sighing in resignation, Sunghoon attempted to pry Ni-ki's arms away, but Ni-ki only hugged him tighter. With a resigned shake of his head, Sunghoon scooped Ni-ki up into his arms, cradling him gently as he rose from the couch.

"You're taking advantage of me at this point, Ni-ki," Sunghoon muttered to himself, carrying Ni-ki towards the door. But as he reached for the handle, a pang of hesitation gripped him. He didn't want to intrude on Ni-ki's privacy without permission.

"Can I open your door and get inside your room? Would that be okay with you?" Sunghoon whispered softly, but there was no response from Ni-ki. Frowning, Sunghoon decided to take Ni-ki to his own room instead.

"Just this once, okay?"

Carefully laying Ni-ki down on his bed, Sunghoon covered him with a blanket, tucking him in with a gentle pat on the head. Retrieving another blanket from his cabinet, he looked at Ni-ki, making sure he's comfortable.

Back in the living room, Sunghoon settled onto the couch, the events of the evening weighing heavily on his mind. With a sigh, he pulled the blanket around himself, seeking solace in the warmth as he contemplated the complexities of his newfound bond with Ni-ki.

(They watched the movie "Monster 2023" by the way)

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