Dark Shadows

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Warm, succulent, steaming blood.

The type that ran down your throat, everything it touches turns to gold.

The sweet, pleasuring blood that you lick your lips long after trying to find some more.

It tingled your taste buds in pure, utter delight.

When my eyes snapped open, I longed for this blood. My eyes searched for it. I was blood thirsty. It was my drug.

Only for my eyes to rest on Chris's face. I... I couldn't believe it. Had I actually considered killing my boyfriend?

"C-Chris?" I whispered. His face was looming above mine. The scent smelt like rosebuds... Like the most expensive perfume in France. My stomache rumbled immediately.

Asher ran over, smiling with happiness. Everyone was smiling. I didn't get it. What happened? But then I remember - i fell from a 7 story mansion. And funny enough I recovered. I was covered in my own blood, but this smelt rotten, not right. This blood wasn't the thing I wanted. V's eyes were boring into me, like she knew what was happening here. Wait, how could she? Was she a vampire? Before anything else could happen, I was flung up by Ashers strong tree trunk arms, and was being carried inside with only V and Layla and Chris following. I was gently placed on the soft buttery leather sofa, and could feel a cloth wiping away my blood. To convince them I was fine, I managed a weak smile. The pain inside me was unbearable. Infact it was hunger. I was in a room of three humans, which one of them I wanted to demolish. I was also in a room with a werewolve who didn't know he was a werewolve. It was crazy.

A while later, the doctors had came and gave me a check up. The entire school had been confiscated from the common room. Well, except from Asher Chris Layla and V.i had been given some serious medication and a visit from the headmistress. It was kinda awkward though since our dramatic encounter earlier on. Apparently I had only minor inguries and none to the head. It was a miracle, seriously.

"You need rest." Chris murmured. I nod brightly, but actually thinking I just need blood. Then I'll be fine. Then I'll stop thirsting for his.

"You guys uh, go to sleep." I said, snuggling in my blanket which Layla gave me ealier.

"No. We have to look after you." Asher sternly replied.

"No seriously, I'll feel so much better if we were all asleep," I insisted - I've always had this way of winning a arguement.

The others shrugged and nodded. Finally, Asher agreed and wrapped his arms around the. Shivering Layla. I think I was letting a cold vibe through the room, or she was struck by nerves and shock. I nestled into Chris and he entwined our hands together. V, slept alone. She always did. No matter how much you begged her, you could never confince V to sleep next to you. In my dorm, when there was thunder, and me and Layla huddled up under a blanket, V sat on her own bed, cross legged and staring motionally into air. Air was like a tv for V. Oh, and incase your wondering why her names just "V" its because that is her name. Its not short for anything, dosnt mean anything, she just goes by the name "V".

Its easy for humans to fall asleep, especially a werewolve. Well, from how Asher fell asleep in a shot. I wasn't sure if vampires slept or not, in most books they don't, in others they have coffins. I wasn't really fussed on the idea of a coffin, like seriously. That's just weird.

When it felt like the school was silent, I slowly edged my way out of Chris's warm arms and crept out into the darkness of the woods. Oh, how I hated the woods. I really did. I was sure that animal blood was similar to humans, I mean, it was blood right? No difference. It would help a better chance of me not eating Chris alive. Yeah it took some time, but I found a stray deer sleeping next to a oak tree. Not making a single sound, I pounced on it and sliced its neck open with my razor sharp teeth. Before it could make a noise, I grabbed its leg under my hands and crunched it just by turning my hand into a fist. I stared at the oozing blood dripping out of the deers neck. I couldn't help myself - I gnawed at the deers soft flesh and closed my eyes in bliss as the sweet blood filled my mouth. When I sucked the deer dry, fully satisfied, I threw its body into the water. Don't judge me, atleast it wasn't a human. As silently as I could, I tiptoed towards the window of the common room. Thinking of how I could creep back in, lie in the same postition before and relax without anyone noticing.

Only but I ran into a tall figure blocking my way.

Holding my breath so I couldn't scream, my eyes travelled to what seemed this persons face.

And looking into the misty eyes of a familiar person.

My brain searched to where I saw these before.

But then I realised.

I was staring into the eyes of James.

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