Once Upon A Time

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Once Upon A Time... There was me. A teenage girl named after her unusual eyes. Light, vanilla blonde hair - and light creamy coloured skin without a flaw. The girl wasn't perfect. She was sent to a eery boarding school when she was a day old. Creepy, right? There she grew, with her twin brother Asher. He had jet black hair and almost the darest black eyes you could ever imagine. He was broad and tall, with muscles the size of cannonballs. She, on the other hand, was petite. She was littler then everyone else. And she was the youngest as well. They grew up together, each other was their only family they knew. They both remembered a fire, screaming and two hearts shattered. Two souls far, far, away. The only proof he has is eyes like ashes. The only proof she has is a aquamarine necklace that matches her aqua blue eyes .

Okay, who am I kidding here. This isn't a fairytale. i hate fairytales. It's not because as there's no end. The only Prince Charming I have is my boyfriend Chris. The only popularity I have is Layla and V, my two best friends. And that, I am thankful for. I actually thought my life was okay until my 18th birthday. Then it changed my life completely and whisked me into another world. I had to live with it. Bear the hunger. Bear the pain. Bear the fights. Bear the heartbroken. Bear the loss. And bear the truth. 

Still I survived to tell my life. I still live on... But there's no guarantee I will always. This is the remembrance of what was recorded in my memory. And it'll stay there. Even when I will die, my soul will carry it on forever.

It all started on my 18th birthday. When you turn 18 you are meant to leave the boarding school. I never ever got anything for my birthday. I mean - how could I? We had no money or parents. Everyone else did except me and Asher. When I woke up, I realised I was late for class. Pulling on black skinny jeans, a black and white collared top and my black converse, I quickly brushed my hair so it set into my usual wavy style. I grabbed my bag and ran through the buildings corridors imagining the embarrassment of waltzing into class late. 

"Aqua Costello!" Boomed the head teacher. Oh god no. I drew to a halt and spun on my heels. She was a sinister lady. And by that - a lady. She had a perfect bun, not a flyaway to be seen. She wore a pencil skirt that passed her knees, a stainless with starched blouse and a perfect condition blazer.  

"In my office young lady." I squeezed my eyes shut and followed the sound of pacing high heels. "Sit down." She ordered, and then sat before me with a stern look on her face. "I hear its your birthday today." She said. I nodded. She sighed and looked at me. 

"What I'm about to tell you, is true. I wouldn't tell a lie to my students. Especially you." I suddenly became intrested in what she said for once. "18 years ago, you and Asher were sent to my boarding school. You were both in a white basket, with lace clothes and a lace blanket. One had ash black eyes, and another had the most pure blue eyes I had ever seen in my existence. There was a note on top. It said you two are meant to attend here until your 18 years old, then follow your destiny. Asher, is a purity of strength. He is a werewolve." There's a horrible, almost killing silence. "You, on the other hand, is a purity of...well...the most extraordinary things. You can do so much good. Healing, friendship, kindness. But when your angry, very,very,very,very angry, you can burn the insides of the person you are angry at, without a blink its like fire. The reason why - your parents died in a fire. You and Asher survived. You felt so angry at the time, and the fire collided with your angry aura - that's how you are capable." She took I breath. I did too. "What I'm trying to say is...your a vampire."


Cold, horrible, deep silence.

I Couldn't believe it. Me...? Special...? My brain spun 360 in my head and i felt nauseous. I don't know why - it's like being told your gonna die. My closed my eyes as the darkness swallowed me up completely. I awoke, on my dorm bed. with a ice pack lounging on my forehead. Nice going, drama queen.  I Needed to just...get out. Get away. There was a heavyness in my heart. My bones were like bricks. I didn't want to do anything. What was the point? I have no life anymore. I'm a vampire. As I slowly stood up, I looked in the mirror. My eyesight was stronger, so, so, stronger. I could see everything clear. from the drop of rain on a bright green leaf outside...miles away, from the detail of the sky...My eyes travelling Up way above the clouds. My skin felt Purer, and Flawless. My spots had cleared and there was a dry feeling in my throat. I grabbed some water from the bedside table and drank the whole cup in one go. It still didnt work. I ruffled my hair. It was thicker, longer, healthy and perfect. I was a Vampire. It dosn't exactly happen everyday really. What would Asher say? What about Chris? I froze. My heart pounding heavily. What if i went mental and drank Chris's Blood? I Love him too much... I'm going to kill him one day... I'm a monster. I slided to the floor and hug my kness tightly together. We'll have to part. He'll find another girl thats normal. He'll love her even more than me. I Smile as i remember our first meeting. I glance down at the bracelet made out of rough thin rope with beads sewed in it. The memories visit me.


I lay in the sun next to the sparkling lake. It feels so peaceful and quiet. I was 13, barely acted like a teenager. I was innocent and stupid then. I thought life would be perfect. I would find my Mother and Father and we'll live in our perfect house forever. We would be rich, I would be popular. Everyones happy. No fights, No war, No starvation, No tears. It would happen... I fell into a deep sleep. I liked dreaming about it. My motto was "Cherish it while its there".

But there was nothing to cherish.

Dreams go too quick. Theres nothing to grasp on to. And your having such a good time that, you forget about grasping on. To cling yourself to something in that dream. But it dosn't happen. Then you wake up...You regret it. You could of lived in that dream forever and stayed happy. It would be perfect. But life dosn't work like that. And soon...Your thrusted into the real blinding, cruel world, where you have to start to journey to your dream...Which is heaven. I see life as the prepare to heaven. I try to make as much friends as possible, so they can be with me. I try and leave as much things off me, but not be famous. To be remembered and known. Thats whats life about. About living it while you have it. So what? So what if its hard? Let your tears out, don't keep them in. Its natural. My parents are dead. Yes. I'm preparing to see them. They'll be in heaven, watching me. They can't help me, because I'll learn for my self. Life is a test, At the end you learnt the lesson. Its not in chronilogical order, really. Its still life. And I know that someones guarding me and leading me to the light... No matter what.

Here is when i wake up. A really tall boy, with black hair and pale skin prodding me with a stick. His brown eyes are full of curiosity. Something strange about him. Something really strange. I prop myself on one elbow and stare at him. He holds out his hand

"Hi. I'm Chris." He Beams. I don't pull out my hand. I seriously think i'm too scared.


"Funny Name"


Chris Stands awkwardly and I stand up, only to find he's way too much taller than me. Oh god.

"Your eyes...There so blue..." Chris suddenly says, staring into them "Sorry, I say my thoughts. Habit"  I smile and shrug. "I was going to push you in the lake but then i thought than you might drown soo..." We enter a pause of awkwardness.

"Oh really?" I Say, raising my eyebrow and smirking. He nods, laughing. "Well," I say. "I Might just push you in first." And I do. He shrieks and I jump in after him causing a Gigantic splash.

"ARGHHH!!" He screams and splashes me back. I dodge and splash him. Before he can do it back, I dissapear under the water and sit at the bottom. I was expecting him to panick, but he just quickly got out and ran for it. Maybe he's scared. I smiled at myself.

This was the Journey.

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