
17 1 5

2 years later

"Have you got colour in your cheeks?

Do you ever get that fear that you can't shift the tide that sticks around like summat in your teeth?

Are there some aces up your sleeve?

Have you no idea that you're in deep?

I dreamt about you nearly every night this week

How many secrets can you keep?

'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow and I play it on repeat."

The radio quietly plays along with the sound of wind wooshing past my ears. The roads are barely visible in the moonlight and it feels comletely deserted. I was heading the bar since I had spent the last few weeks doing absaloutely nothing at all. It's normally full of human teenagers that are complete nieve college dropouts. That why I go, it's ironcally hysterical.

As I stepped into the bar, I knew something was wrong.

"One WKD please." I muttered and fluffed my hair up. My eyes rolled to humans dancing everywhere and the old men watching and smirking, their smiles deepining everytime a new group of slutty girls staggered in. You're probably thinking why the fuck doesn't anyone notice me. I guess I just blend in, it's a talent I've been practacing for 2 years ofcourse.

The thing about bars is I see everything. Every aspect of touch, smell, sight and sound I recognise moments before anyone else in the room does. I had already fed, so I could control my lust for everyones pounding blood or else if I never, everyone in this small space of shit would be dead. Although the true reason why I come here is to imagine how my life would be if I wasn't a vampire. It soothes my anger somehow and saddens me slightly, to be honest.

I hear a single footstep enter the bar, though the men don't smirk this time, they look away. Surprised and despite my caution, I turn to my alcoholic drink and down it.

"Never thought I'd see you again, Aqua." Mutters a smooth, famililar voice.

I turn around and to the highest of my surprise, It's....V. Her face is different. It's completely different to the gothic teenage girl I know. It's slimmer, her makeup is more mature. Instead of the drawn in kohl eyes, her eyes are bare yet with huge full lashes. Her hair is longer and darker.

"Hey." I breathe out, thought swimming in my head. "Wh- What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing." She lifts her self on the stool next to me. "After you went missing and everyone graduated, I've been looking for you ever since."

"Why?" I ask, my eyes narrowing into hers.

"Well, because..." She clicks her fingers to the bartender and points at the cocktail stand. "Your different, Aqua. So different the supernatural goverment's trying to track you down and I wanted to pull you under my wing." My blood boils as she says 'under my wing' as if I'm ameteur.

"So you're a demon or some shit?" I quietly ask. She laughs and sips her cocktail in one go.

"No, I'm a top secret detective. I've solved out the most mind boggling crimes this worlds noticed. I work with the authorities."

I nod, suddenly feeling slightly awkward.

"Anyway," She smirks, "We've got to go to." She instantly grabs my hand and leads me out of the bar, then jumping into a taxi.

"Where are we going?" I seethe.

She ignores me, touching up her mascara in her compact mirror. I must say she really resembles a detective.

We arrive at a extremely creepy woods basically in the middle of nowhere, though in the distance I hear a heart or two pounding. My curiosity and anger is building up. We start walking down a path, I guess heading up to the heart of the woods.

Then I see them.

Three boys, three girls, standing there, arguing. The most loud one is a small girl with long, light brown hair and I can instantly tell she's cocky. They all turn and look at me and V. The cocky girl smirks, then bursts out laughing. I narrow my eyes at her.

"So, you're the famous Aqua, huh?" She taunts, crossing her arms.

"The one and only." I smirk. If she's going to play the bitch game, I would too.

"Well, I have to say you don't exactly amaze me. I guess the others really over estimate you." She pauses, "I mean, you look like a 12 year old!"

I raise my eyebrow.

"What's your name again?" I say, looking her dead in the eye.

"Jodie." She mutters.

"Nope, never heard of it. Explains a lot though, doesn't it?" I sigh sarcastically, grinning because it shut her up.

"I'm Noah." A fairly tall boy steps forward, beaming. His voice is chirpy and cheerful, pretty much standing out from the others. I smile politely and nod. Then I realise James is standing right next to him.

"Woah wait, James?" I gasped.

"I guess I made the team..." He smirks, then looking to the floor. Another perky, high voice (similar to Jodies) Irreupted the convosation.

"No Jodie, I think she looks more like a fucking barbie doll" She laughs extremely annoyingly.

"Not at all, my friend," I snarl, lowering my voice. "Because I'm not as fake as a 'fucking' barbie doll. Atleast I, don't look like a...Drowned. Up. Rat." I clenche my teeth, then suddenly realise what of a arguement I'm making, instead of releasing my anger, I snap on V. 

"So you brought me here to argue with a bunch of ex-cheerleaders? What's the purpose of this?" I seethe. She widens her eyes mercifully.

"No.. I...Uh..." V trails off.

"Now, now ladies, stop yapping. Jeez!" I hear a calm, smooth voice from the crowd. A fairly tall fair girl steps out, with long lucsious blonde, curly hair steps out, with a friendly complexion. She smiles at me.

"My name's Jaxie, nice to meet you." She says, grabbing onto Noahs hand. I return her smile and watch as Noah softly kisses her forehead affectionately. I wince. It reminds me of how me and Chris used to be.

A small girl walks into the open of the forest, along with a cat and two other girls. The girl has red hair and she's sipping tea. She beams at me, but doesn't say a word, neither do the other girls so I cannot recall any of their names. I am completely overwhelmed. From this morning, I would never have thought I'd be here tonight with people who I have just realised are non-human, well, most of them. The only way I can infer this is because I can only hear a few heartbeats.

"Aqua," Lyx smiles slowly, "This is the Task Force." She pauses, "This is your family." I look at them all, slowly, taking it all in. They are all looking at me, some smiling, some scowling. And for the first time in my entire two years of being a vampire, of being lonely, I finally see a home. 

A few seconds later, our happy moment is once again interrupted. An ear-deafening explosion hits the forest, a few miles next to us. We fall to the ground, all of us astounded. A black figure walks into our presense. I can make out a stern, smirking face.

"Welcome, I'm Conner. And I suggest you run for your life..." He looks sharply at me as other black figures come into veiw behind him. "...Now."

                                                                               ~To Be Continued~

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