Adding more people

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Hello Avengers!!!

"Hello" said Wanda

In a few seconds i'm going to bring a few people, so don't freak out.

But before that.

They heard her snap her finger and the theatre doubled in size.

"Wow, how did you do that?" Asked Peter.

Ummm, that's not important right now.


They heard her snap her finger again but this time instead of the room doubling in size they heard a loud thud and more people appeared.

There was silence while the people that had appeared gained consciousness.

Wanda looked closely at the the people that had appeared and the recognised one of them.

"Pietro?" Asked Wanda in a soft whisper.

"Wanda?" Asked Pietro counfused on where he was.

Wanda ran and hugged Pietro as fast as she could.

"Good to see you to i guess" said Pietro slightly confused on why Wanda was hugging him.

"Why do you all look like you've seen a ghost? Asked Pietro looking at the rest of the avengers

Before the avengers could answer somebody said "Where the hell are we?"

They turned to see creature who appeared to be a raccoon but slightly different.

"Ahh, did that raccoon just talk?" Asked Pietro

"I'm not a raccoon!" Said the creature (Rocket).

Before this conversation could continue Lis interrupted.

Ok so uhh.

"Who said that?" Asked Pietro

Oh right I should probably introduce myself

Hello you can call me Lis and i have brought you here to react to the future.

"And why should we trust you?" Asked Peter Quill

You should trust me because im the one that brought you here so im the one that can get you out.

"I am Groot"

"Did that tree just talk?" Asked Pietro

'Ok, you know what never mind can just everybody take a seat ans state  there name and the year they came from.

Yes, even the people that were already here.

The Avengers can start.

"Tony Stark - Iron Man 2017"

"Steve Rogers - Captain America 2017"

"Wait, i know you" said Peter Quill

"i thought you died in like 1945 or something like that"

"I was frozen in ice and then was later found in 2011" said Steve puzzled at the fact that the man did not now that.

Anyways moving on.

"Bruce Banner - Hulk 2017"

"Thor Odinson God of Thunder 2017"

"Natasha Romanoff - Black Widow 2017"

"Clint Barton - Hawkeye 2017"

"Loki God of Mischief 2017"

"Wanda Maximoff 2017" (does not know that she's the scarlet witch yet)

"Pietro Maximoff 2015" 

"Bucky Barnes - The Winter Soldier 2017" (not white wolf yet)

"Sam Wilson - The Falcon 2017"

"Scott Lang - Ant-Man 2017"

"Peter Parker - Spider-Man 2017"

"Pepper Potts 2017"

"Rhodey Rhodes - War Machine 2017"

"Doctor Stephen Strange 2017"

"Peter Quill - Star-Lord 2017"

"Rocket 2017"

"Gamora 2017"

"I am Groot" (Groot 2017)

"Drax the Destroyer 2017"

"Nebula 2017"

"Mantis 2017"

Ok ummm

Oh right i forgot someone.

They heard her snap her finger again and a woman with blond hair appeared.

Fury was the first one to speak "Carol?"

"Nick?" Asked Carol walking over to him.

"Wait so how do you two know each other?" Asked Tony


I swear I will post the next part very soon.

I swear I will post the next part very soon

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