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I open my eyes and winch at the bright light, a steady beeping sound echoes around me, and from the distinct smell of disinfectant, I can gather that it's a hospital room. The past incident flickers through my mind and I groan. The awfully bright light dims down a little.

I try to get up slowly, feeling all dizzy and tired. I tried to shift in a sitting position and a sharp sting shot up my leg. I let out a small yelp as involuntary tears poured out of my eyes.

"Easy, love. Don't move." A smooth, deep voice speaks from the other side of the room. I turn my head towards the sound and my eyes lock with a pair of deep brown eyes, ones that look almost black but the moment the sun shines on them, they turn into a pool of warm honey. My breath hitched. It takes me several moments to take in the appearance of the man sitting in front of me. He is what people describe as 'Tall, dark, and handsome.' Clad in a three-piece black suit with the coat discarded on the couch he's currently occupying, and shirt sleeves rolled back, he sits on the couch as if he owns this whole place. A pair of reading glasses rests lazily above his perfectly straight nose, making him look ethereal.

He's looking straight at me and what looks like a small smirk appears on his face when he realizes that I am staring. He puts down the book he was holding, gets up from the couch, and approaches me. Meanwhile, I take note of every new detail I discover in him, like how he has a few hair strands falling over his forehead, like after a long day at work, how the top button of his shit is open and the tie hangs loosely around his neck. A moment later, he is in front of me, and only when he stands so near the bed, that I realize how tall he is.

He holds out his hand and gently grabs my chin. "Breath." He says softly, and I realize I am holding my breath. I exhale slowly as he slowly turns my head sideways. "You are hurt. Don't move much." Only now that I realize that there was a bandage on my temple, I slowly raise my hand to touch it, but he grabs my hand, "Don't." He says firmly wiping away a stray tear, grazing my face in the process.

I avert my gaze from him and look behind him, and see the curtains slightly drawn together and sunlight pouring in through the small gap. I examined my surroundings, the room was huge for a hospital room. Then again which hospital room has a floor-to-ceiling window and a television? I look back at him, only to find him looking at me intensely. With all this newfound attention I am getting from him, a handsome stranger is overwhelming, I feel my face getting warm. I stare back at him and the only sensible syllable that makes complete sense in this situation pours out of my mouth.

He chuckles softly, "We need to work on your vocabulary, it needs a little refining.

"How are you feeling Mam?" A young nurse enters the room with a smile, dissolving the intense moment between me and the handsome stranger. He moves a step away allowing the nurse to adjust the IV container. She then checks my chart, turns towards the stranger to inform him of my vitals, and leaves the room.

A moment later, from what I assume a doctor enters the room, he looks to be in his late twenties or early thirties and looks rather young, he is tall almost the same height as the stranger. He briefs him about my condition. It was getting annoying that they were talking to Him about My condition as if he were my husband or something. I huffed and rolled my eyes at the weird situation. He looks at me intensely with his hands folded while the doctor talks to him. I just averted my eyes towards the wall on the other side, rather watch a wall than stare into his intimidating but beautiful eyes.

The doctor looks at me and smiles, " I have checked your vitals, it's perfectly fine. Apart from a small cut on your forehead and a sprain on your right foot, you are good. Fortunately, you don't have a concussion, so you should be fine to leave today."

"Thank you, doctor. So can I leave like right now?." I try to sit more upright and well it just hurts. " As you said it's just a small cut, and I don't have a concussion, also the sprains get better quickly, right? Can I just leave now?" I pleaded.

"Absolutely not." Mr. Stranger states in a calm voice. I turn towards him and gasp in disbelief.
"And why the hell not?" I retorted.
"Because you are hurt and that's enough reason for you to stay." He turns towards the doctor, "Do what's best, doctor."
The doctor just looked at him with a knowing look, which confused me, and then he said to me, "It is best if you rest for now and leave after some time, you just woke up. You can leave in the evening." Before I could protest, he turned around and left, leaving me alone with the stranger.

An hour has passed, or two. I don't know. The rhythmic beeping of the monitor echoes in the room. I pretend to sleep as he reads a book while sitting on the couch. A few moments later, I open my eyes a little and watch him, this time he is leaning back on the couch with his eyes closed. I sit upright and gently step down from the bed. I winched and slowly walked towards him. I waved my palm above his face, he showed no sign of being awake. I watched him intensely. This face, I feel like I have seen it before, but where? Maybe I am just thinking too much, no way one could forget a face like this. I turned around, about to leave, and I was still in the outfit I had worn last night, it was the next morning and I was in no mood to stay here anymore, all I wanted right now was to go back home and maybe watch something comfortable while I dive into depression about my failed relationship.

"Going somewhere, love?" I jumped at the voice and bumped into his knees, embarrassed I let out a small yelp and tried to get away from him. He pulled me by my arm, making me fall in his lap.

It is as if time has stopped, my face inches away from his, warm breath fanning my face, deep brown eyes peering at mine as if he can watch my soul through them. Strong arms wrapped around me, and a peaceful silence enveloped us as we just stared into each other's eyes, the only sound was the beeping and my heavy breathing. I glanced at his lips which were only an inch away from mine, a shuddered breath left my mouth and at that moment a sigh left his mouth and I immediately looked back into his eyes. I turned my face away, gulping nervously, and tried to get up, only for him to hold me tighter.

"Were you going somewhere?" I nod, "I want to go home." He looked at me, his expression soft. To my surprise, he picked me up and gently placed me back on the bed.
"Fine. I will take you home," he pulls out his phone, "I will come back in a moment, just don't leave the bed." With that, he leaves the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

I stared out the windows, my knees pulled against my chest, this time the curtains were pulled back, revealing a beautiful view of the city, it was almost dark, the city lights twinkled and the sky was a beautiful shade of purple. I sighed, remembering everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. I just got cheated by my boyfriend. I trusted him so much and he just...he just broke it so easily. He and I were family friends. How could he do that to me? A teardrop fell free from my eye, and soon I was sobbing with my face tucked in my arms.

The door clicked open, and the stranger entered the room, my head snapped towards him, and he stood there for a moment, looking at me. A dark expression appears on his face, and he walks toward me and holds my face in his hand. "Are you hurting?" "No," I whisper.

"Let's go home." With that, he picks me up again and we leave the room.

Author's note:

Isn't he so hot!! You decide. Also are you liking the story so far? Yes or no?
My sweet pumpkins, please don't forget to vote, comment and follow, it means a lot to me.


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