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I am currently sitting in the back seat of an expensive car whose interior smells all woodsy and I don't know...clean? A man in his late 20s is driving the car, and the windows are spotless. Right. At this moment I will acknowledge anything other than the dark presence next to me. Why is he so quiet? I thought of making small talk but decided against it. I try to scurry over more towards the corner as if it's even possible anymore. A sharp pain shot through my leg and I bit my lips to contain a scream. My right leg was covered in a crepe bandage, throbbing with the sudden movement.

"Stop doing that." Mr. I don't know his name, said in a soft voice. He wasn't looking at me but at his iPad, analyzing some weird-looking zig-zag pattern. Stocks, I know.Typical.

"Oh, I am sorry. I must be hindering your work." I looked out the window into the night street. I don't even have my phone and it's awkward as hell, sitting in complete silence. People walking by, cars rushing towards their homes. A peaceful ambiance covered the late autumn night.

I glanced at him again, in contrast to me he seemed quite relaxed. "It's bad manners to stare sweetheart," he says, turning away from his iPad, and now looking at me. I gape at him, surprised at his endearment.
I cleared my throat. "What is your name sir?"
"Kian. Kian Ford." He replied smoothly. Ford? Where have I heard it before?

"Mr. Ford, can you just drop me ahead? I will take the subway. It's not very far, from my home. I could just walk you know," I rambled, " It wasn't even your fault, I fell in front of your car, it didn't even hit me. You don't have to take responsibility for me." I exclaimed with my body half turned towards him, In a desperate voice, his presence was overpowering. He looked at me, this only made me more nervous.

The bright light coming from the street light cast a glow on his silhouette, making him look like a Dark Angel. With his hand resting on his lap, he now looked straight ahead. Unlike me, he was calm and composed like it was an everyday occurrence for people to be nervous around him. I know I am looking at him for longer than necessary because I take notice of his sharp jawline and neatly styled hair.

"It's Kian for you, love. And no I cannot drop you off at a subway, late in the evening, with you being hurt" he states in a flat voice.
"Why? It's not your problem, and what's with the nicknames? Stop calling me all that." I huffed in frustration.
"Well, you never told me your name." He smirks and I watch him in disbelief.
"Hello, my name is Iris Lia Campbell. Thank you so much for helping me, it was lovely meeting you. Now kindly drop me ahead." I smiled at him sweetly, then folded my arms and rolled my eyes.
"Although I find your sarcasm and attitude extremely charming," he turns his face towards me, "You will still get in trouble for that, Love." He smirks and looks back at his iPad.

"Give me your address." He said in a firm voice. It didn't sound like a request, but rather like a command. Well.

"Sir, can you please-" he slowly turned, diverting his gaze from the iPad, towards me. Light shone through the window making his lips and the curve of his nose visible, the rest of his face veiled by darkness.

"Address, Iris." The words left his mouth in a smooth voice and a shiver ran through my body.

I looked at him, silent. Even though I can't see his face, I know he is looking at me. I gulped. "27th Street, Oxridge." His lips curved and he looked straight ahead.

I mentioned a place two blocks away from my place, no matter what, I ain't telling someone I met for the first time where I exactly live. He glanced at me, his eyes showing an expression that I could not decipher. I chose to ignore the strange feeling in my mind and diverted my eyes elsewhere, the dashboard. Better.

Exactly fifteen minutes later, I am standing outside the car on 27th Street, Oxridge, with my back towards it. He is still there or he and his driver are still here waiting for me to enter the building complex that I impulsively called my apartment after the mysterious stranger asked. I huffed and plastered a wide smile on my face, turned towards him, and waved. Silently begging that he leave and don't wait for me to enter the building. But to my delight he didn't leave, note the sarcasm.

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