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I stare at him for a moment, speechless. Did he just ask me to date him? No, I must have heard it wrong. Is he joking? Not. He doesn't look like the one who jokes around. So, what is it? I should just ask him, right? Why would he say that all of a sudden? 

"I am sorry. I think I misheard." I try to laugh it off. Yes. It's the best option to stop embarrassing myself by assuming things.

"Don't be sorry. I know you heard me quite well. But for your convenience, let me repeat myself," he says "Let's date Iris."

Date? Me? Why would he want to date me? A nobody.

 We just met last week, and I made a spectacle out of myself by falling in front of his car, then again, he saw me bawling my eyes out at a coffee shop over my cheating ex. The only reason he would say that is maybe out of pity or maybe because he is bored. It's not real, Iris. Afterall, Hardin did the same. I was just a means to his benefit.

You are good for nothing. You managed to lose the only man who showed interest in you. Why can't you be better and let be at ease for once Iris. My mother's voice echoed in my mind, playing on repeat like a broken record. 

I was never in love with you. I always loved her. I am sorry. Hardin. No. I won't let my heart get broken once again. I don't think I can take that. Besides, you are no one. A stupid young woman, who cannot judge between right and wrong.

A man like Kian Ford would never fall for someone like me. Never.

So, before it's too late, I should take control of the situation. They can't hurt me if I don't let them. It's better to just play cool and laugh it off. Right. So, I do what I think is the best option. 

I laugh. 

"I don't think we are close enough to joke about something like this." I drown my real thoughts in a fake smile and take a sip of water. It's for the best. Besides no one wants a person, drowned in self-doubt and inferiority complex. You are no one.

To my relief, the waitress comes back with dessert. Tiramisu. My favorite. I look at it then at him. Mistake. He is already looking at me. A strange expression fills his eyes. He looks at me, like his analyzing something. Like a code that's in need to be decrypted. Is he disappointed by my answer. If he is, he clearly doesn't show it, rather his face looks calm. It's just his eyes. 

I avoid looking at him, the rest of the dinner. And he hasn't stopped looking at me. Why does he have to be so domineering? He sits back relaxed in his seat, dipping the spoon in his tiramisu and lazily bringing it to his mouth and taking relaxed bites. While I, on the other hand, feel like running away the first chance I get. 

It is awkward. For me. Not him. Should I say something to lighten up the situation? Or should I just keep quiet. Well, it's his fault for making such a joke in the first place. Should I-

"Do you like it?" His voice breaks my inner monologue. "You seem to." I look down at my plate, to find it completely empty. I have been scraping into nothing. Nothing. It is so embarrassing. Ahh! I want to vanish into thin air right now. 

I glance at him through my lashes, I don't think I have the courage to look at him in the eyes. He smiles. A soft genuine smile. "Let's get you another one." 

I gasp dramatically, "No, no, not at all. It's good but I don't want another one." I wave my hands around, indicating a clear 'No'. Why are you being so embarrassing today? I pull away my hands and clasp them tightly under the desk, over my lap. My hands feel clammy, and I cannot get rid of the annoying bounce in my leg. 

"This place is so empty. It's surprising." I take a sip of water. Again. "It's really hard to get a reservation here." I glance around the place.

"It is. Because I booked it for us." Kian states, while taking a bite out of his dessert.

I swiftly turn my head, to look at him. "You book-ed it?" I shutter.

"Well, technically closed it for the day." His next words make me choke on my water. "It's mine. This place." 

"You own this place!? I didn't know that." I gasp. He nods. Puts down his spoon and leans forward. 

"Well, I own half of the town, Love. You just never asked." He states. I stare at him for a moment. Just who is he? 

"I don't know anything about you." I whisper under my breath, but he hears it.

"If you wish to, we can change that." He says softly. Change that? Know more about him? And then what? 

To be truthful, Hardin was my first and only boyfriend. We never went past the talking stage. One thing I am thankful for. I was shy and introverted throughout my teenage years. Mother's constant judgment and pressure for excellence acted as fuel to the fire. 

The only identity you have, is because of me. No one would even bother to acknowledge you if you weren't my daughter. And what is this annoying habit of yours? Stop bouncing your feet at once!   Her words affected my little thirteen-year self to such an extent that I dreaded being called her daughter. My self-confidence went to shambles.

 After what happened, a part of my buried trauma resurfaced. The constant lack of supporting figure in my life, never really allowed me to explore much. The little bit of courage and self-esteem I have, come from Sofia. She managed to get me out of under my mother's wings as soon as she could, but all those years still left a bitter taste in my mouth. 

The scrapping of chair against the marble flooring, caught my attention. A pair of warm, strong hands rested on my shoulders and I involuntarily relaxed. I snap out of my thoughts and back into the present moment. The dark cloud over my mind disappeared, replaced by a warm, secured feeling.  I glance towards the hand on my shoulder, then at a pair of soft, brown eyes. They stared back at me, telling me that, 'It's okay. I am here.' and a warm, almost painful feeling emerges in my heart. Why? Why are you being so kind to me? 

"Let's go. Love." He pulls me up and holds my hand in his. I let him. He guides me through the front door, and we exit the restaurant; a gust of wind blows through my hair and leave behind a chilly feeling. A weight settles on my shoulders as a thick coat in wrapped over my body. And for the first time in my life, my heart started beating rapidly, not because I am scared or nervous, but because of this strange man, whom I met only a week ago. 

Steady yourself, Iris. The world this man belongs to, you can never be a part of it. I should stay away. That is the right thing to do.

 But why does my heart disagree with me?


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QOTD: What do you think? Why is our lovely ML so sweet to our FL? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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