Chapter 5: Too Kind

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Frasa took in the market before her in awe. Men and women conversed openly, with large smiles and beaming faces. It was strange to see. She had heard that women here were treated better, but she never expected this.

 Women called out their wares, holding up unique fruits and vegetables that looked fresh and delightful. Some held patterned fabrics up, that looked soft and cool. They were independent and strong. Those that were in couples looked... in love. Men's arms hung half-hazardly wrapped around the women's waists, unashamed and unabashed about showing their affection. And the looks they gave the women... it made Frasa's stomach flip. She had never seen a man's eyes show such deep affection. It was as if the women were a treasure rather than a prize. 

One man especially close to her gaze scooped his daughter into his arms and kissed her forehead before setting her down and pulling his wife in his arms. His hand snuck around her waist and he pulled her towards him, gripping her chin and...

Frasa turned away quickly, a blush filling her cheeks. She had never seen such a public display of affection and certainly not one that appeared motivated by love rather than unrepentant lust. 

 There was a deep difference in this. 

As she and Bǎihédah traversed the market she couldn't help her boundless gaze which jumped from place to place greedily soaking in the scenery. One women's stall, which was comprised of a wooden table with panels that opened up and hung jewelry, was full of ornate beaded necklaces made from stunning stones and shells. Frasa was tempted to reach out and touch one and rub her fingers over the grooves of the beads. But she stopped herself, she was here to get clothes to blend in and that was it. After that, Bǎihédah would show her the local room rentals and she would begin her plotting. 

Bǎihédah smiled and pointed to a stall where a woman with deep wrinkles and tawny skin sat on a tall chair and leaned against a stall. Her eyes closed and her face tranquil, she had long grey hair that reached to her waist. Loose braids were scattered through it, and she held a long stick which her chin rested upon. 

"That is Ayani, the oldest women on the island."

Frasa nodded, thinking it strange a women would sleep at her stall, unafraid of theft or harm coming to her. 

Bǎihédah looked at Frasa her eyes twinkling before she grabbed Frasa's hand and pulled her towards the stall. Frasa grew a rigid, biting her lip at the contact with her hand. She counted in her head, hoping that Bǎihédah would let go. 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...

Her hand was released as they arrived at the stall. She breathed a deep sigh of relief. Only a second more and something deeply unfortunate could have happened. There was no taming the untamable. 

"Isn't it lovely!" Bǎihédah exclaimed smiling widely to Frasa. 

Frasa nodded and offered a half smile. She glanced at the stall curiously, notcing how unlike the others, this one was more tent like in shape. However, it was different than the tents at home made of thick curtains and wools. This tent was made of a cylinder shaped wood with ruts in between and a light brown almost green colors. It was arranged in panels, opening wide, while the roof was covered in a thin fluttery fabric like that which Bǎihédah wore. 

Frasa cast a glance at the old shopkeeper whose eyes remained closed. Bǎihédah yanked Frasa by her elbow this time, for which she was grateful, into the structure. Beautiful fabrics with designs that swirled, reminding Frasa of the nymphs in her childhood home, lined the walls. Different sets of matching flowing robe like tops and pants sat on tables and hung from the ceiling alongside dresses which held a wrap for the waist and cut up the sides to expose a women's legs like Bǎihédah's. 

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