Part 64

155 3 13

Third Person POV

The rescue mission for Harry had been set, selected members of the order had been chosen to go, those including Hermione, Ron, George, Fred, Evelyn, Benjamin, Hagrid, and others.

Unluckily for Allison, Mattheo and Jake they had been called earlier that day for a meeting with Voldemort. All being informed of what was happening later that day.

Allison and Jake had been sent out of the room along with their friends except Mattheo, he was still in the room with his father confronting him on who the riddle was made about.

Unsurprisingly, he was correct, the answer was Jake Evergreen who stood outside the room oblivious to what was being said inside.

But Voldemort couldn't possibly allow his own son, his own flesh and blood to get away without anyone getting hurt or possibly killed. So a decision was made who should be imprisoned and punished at the expense of his son getting a riddle correct.

But who would end up being imprisoned?

Allison's POV

As soon as Mattheo returns out of the room he looks shocked, almost like stone. Please don't say there's another riddle.

We all look at him confused until he speaks "he didn't do anything, he was calm, he's planning something"

Theodore is the first to speak to him "maybe he's in a good mood today? You never know, he probably tortured loads of people and is in a good mood"

I look at him dumbfounded "Why the fuck would he be in a good mood from torturing people, it's obvious that he's going to do something whether it's to one of us or it's to someone we know. The war is rising and chances are one of us is going to die whether we want to admit it or not that is what is going to happen"

Everyone looks at me, no one daring to say a thing all knowing that what I've said is true "I'm going back home, are either of you coming or not" I announce starting to walk away, glancing behind me for Mattheo and Jake.

"I'm going to stay at Daphnes tonight" Jake says before taking Daphnes hand intertwining with his, I look over to Mattheo "I'm going to be back later, I've got something to attend to first"

I give a nod before heading into a separate room and using the fireplace to floo home. It's crazy to think that this time last year I was at Evergreen Estate in my bedroom bored out of my mind.

No friends, Jake had been staying with Draco for the first two weeks leaving me to be alone in the Estate. I didn't know that I have another brother, I didn't know that Evelyn was alive.

I didn't know that I was going to have a boyfriend, I didn't know that I was going to have soo many friends who welcomed me into their lives.

I didn't know that I was going to join the quidditch team, I didn't know that I was going to sleep with Mattheo and lose my virginity to him.

I didn't know that I was going to make soo many memories that will live in my head for the rest of my life, I also didn't know that I was going to become a death eater against my own will.

I didn't know that my parents were going to die, I didn't know that the war is going to take place, I didn't know that my whole life would change.

As I enter the home I walk into the kitchen to see a note most likely written by Evelyn as her hand writing is amazing.

The note states, The mission to rescue Harry has been changed to tonight, we are all heading over to the burrow before setting off.

Please head over to the burrow so you aren't alone, Molly will be there with Ginny as they are not coming so you will have company.

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