✧*̥˚ sweet *̥˚✧

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Yes, this is literally a makeout scene 😭
Yeonbin (Soobjun - this case) are simply a reference ship for this!


The orange male watched as the man infront of him stood between his spread out legs as he himself sat on a kitchen counter. Once he was positioned as he willed, Soobin looked back into the older's eyes, searching for a sign of uncertainty or insecurity, He then slowly reached a hand to caress Yeonjun's cheek as there was no stir nor a sign of discomfort.

"May I?"

He asked, but before receiving a verbal response, cut short as a pair of lips pressed against his own. And Oh god, did it feel good. Desire was an understatement. Soobin placed his hand under the sitting male's arms, on his upper torso before sliding it down to his waist.

Yeonjun squirmed quietly. That motherfucker, he KNOWS how ticklish I am!
As he pulled away gasping, the blonde's smirk came in sight.

"What's wrong? Having trouble keeping up?"

Yeonjun slapped his chest jokingly and buried his head in the crook of the taller male's neck, blushing so profusely that the heat was radiating off his cheeks.

They stayed like that until a thought occurred to Yeonjun, and gathering all the confidence he could muster, he raised his head and angled it to give him a perfect view of the younger's neck. He connected his plushy lips to the smooth skin and left a trail of feathering kisses, leading back up to Soobin's jaw.

The taller male captured their lips together, and both leaned in. Their tongues swirled against their lips and fought for dominance. Eventually, the orange-haired male gave up and let the younger enter his mouth.

Soobin swept his tongue over the roof of Yeonjuns's mouth and back to his tongue, tasting every part of him. Sweet. He was sweet. Rubbing circular motions into Yeonjun's waist, Soobin pulled away.

Their lips parted momentarily as both took a breath. They looked back into each other's eyes, no lust, no trepidation - simply two young men who faced the world's hardships, seeking love.

"Are you guys gonna continue eating off each other's faces? Cause me and gyu are-"
"TAEHYUN-AHH!" Yeonjun yelled, getting up ready to chase him. Behind the cluster of chaos, Soobin stood, leaning against the counter as he chuckled to himself at their immature behaviour.

I really do love him..

~Tyunsmint <3

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