001, escape

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RILEY SAT IN HER ROOM, LOOKING AT A PICTURE OF HER AND HER SISTER. She folded it up again and put it in her jeans pocket. She tied her bandanna around her neck and braided her hair. She walked out and saw Brian playing with the chip.

"It's a delivery schedule." Dom says. Riley walked over to them. Mia furrowed her brows and tapped a button.

"What's this?" She asks. "Drugs?" Brian shook his head.

"No. That's a dealer pack. See, most major players, they weigh their money so they don't have to constantly count it. Right there, that's 49 kilos. 49 kilos is a million in twenties." Brian explained. Riley walked over to the other side of Brian.

"You're saying each one of these shipments is worth 10 million dollars?" She asks. Brian nods. Riley looked at Dom.

Dom shook his head. "So what is that? A 100-million plus in cash houses?" Brian asks.

"That's how he keeps it off the grid." Dom tells him. Riley sighs and walks away.

"I think it's safe to say that Reyes is smart to want this back." Brian said. Riley nods. "It's his whole network right there, just laid out on a chip." They heard glass and looked over at the doors.

Riley ran towards the opening in the wall. "They're here!" She whisper-shouted to them. Brian and Mia followed her. Riley climbed over first. She pulled her bandana over the lower half of her face. Gunshots started to go off. Riley ran down the alleyway and down the steps.

Riley slid to a stop as two men ran at her. She kicked the first man in the stomach, sending both of them down. She heard another man running at them. Riley pulled the second man up and used him as a shield. He yelled as the bullets hit him. Riley threw him down and grabbed his pistol. Riley fired at the third man and first man. She put the gun in her belt and climbed up to the roof.

Riley ran roof to roof and slid down one of them. She landed on the ground and saw more men coming towards her. Riley kicked the gun out of the man's hands and brought her other foot to kick him down. Riley ran at the second man and slid underneath his feet. She grabbed the gun and shot him in the back twice. She walked over to the first man and shot him.

She wiped the sweat off of her forehead and ran away. She walked through the sewers and out to the little river. She sat down on the dirt. She heard footsteps in the water and grabbed the gun. Dom, Mia, and Brian walked out. "Where the hell did you get a gun?" Brian asks.

Riley waved him off and put it back in her waistband. "They're going to be looking for the four of us together now. We need to split up." Dom tells them. "You, Riley, and Mia head south, I'll lead them away."

Mia shook her head. "No." Brian looked at her and nods.

"Dom is right." Brian tells her. "Look how lucky we just got. What happens next time?" Brian asks. "We have no choice but to split up."

"I'm pregnant." Mia says. Riley looked at her. "I already lost my family once. I'm not going through that again." Brain walked towards her and grabbed her by the waist.

"Are you kidding me?" He asks. Mia shakes her head. Brain kissed her and hugged her. "I'm not going anywhere. Okay?" She nods. Riley smiled at the two.

Mia looked at Dom. "Dom? Promise me we stick together." Dom looked at her and nods. Riley ran to the two and hugged them.

"I promise." Dom says, joining the hug. "Our family just got bigger." He laughed.

Riley pulled away and looked at the two. "Ew! That means you two had—" Dom covered her mouth. That night, they found a little area to camp out in.

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