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RILEY TOOK A SIP of her fruit punch

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RILEY TOOK A SIP of her fruit punch. "Ry, did you set the table?" Dom asks. Riley scoffs.

"¿Dónde diablos está la mesa?" Riley asks him. Dom points at her. (Where the hell is the table?)

"Cuida tu lenguaje." Dom tells her. Riley smiled. She walked over to an empty table and grabbed the paper plates Mia had gotten. (Watch your mouth.)

Riley looked over at Han and Gisele. She started smiling. "We're less than 24 hours from the biggest celebration of our life. Y'all need a refill." Roman told Mia and Brian. Riley walked over there and sat down on the couch next to Tej. "This is serious stuff."

"No, I'm good." Mia tells him. Roman continues to offer her the beer.

"No, she can't." Brian told him. Roman furrowed his brows and looked at Brian.

"What do you mean?" Roman asks. "What do you mean she can't? What is..." Brian began rubbing Mia's belly. "Are you serious right now?!" Roman asks. Riley smiled. "Is that the reason you let him beat you in the quarter mile? That was a baby gift."

Brian gasped. "No, that's messed up." Brian told him. The team surrounded the three. "No, you're not taking that from me."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second. So, did he just smack the ass or did he grab it?" Tej asks. Riley gave him a look. "Which one was it." Everyone congratulated the two.

Riley smiled at the two. "Toast!" Dom spoke. They all surrounded him and held their drinks. "Money will come and go. We know that. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here...right now. Salud, mi familia!" Dom said, wrapping his arm around Riley.

"Salud." The team all spoke. Dom looked at Riley and smiled.

The team was getting ready for the heist

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The team was getting ready for the heist. Riley wore baggy jeans, a black tank top, and her dirty black converse. She had the locket of her and Letty and the cross around her neck. Mia had put two braids on her hair that rested on her shoulders. "Hobbs is on the other side of the city. We're not gonna get a better window." Mia told the team.

"Okay, guys, it's show time! First team in position. Let's go!" Dom said. The first team got into the police cars and drove off. Riley leaned against the railing, giving Gisele a high five as she drove off on her motorcycle.

"Cops!" Vince yelled. Brian and Mia grabbed Riley's hand and dragged her out. The agents were already outside waiting for them. The agents forced them back inside. Riley looked through the window and saw Dom being choked out by Hobbs.

Dom made eye contact with Riley. Dom wasn't going to lose his daughter. Mia and Brian stood on opposite sides of the young girl. The window shattered. Dom landed on the ground with Hobbs on top of him. "No!" Riley yelled.

"Stand back, I got this!" Hobbs told his team. Riley tried to run at Dom but a Agent smashed the butt of his gun into her face. Riley fell to the floor.

"Hey, you don't touch her!" Brian shouts, Mia holding him back. Riley felt blood pool in her mouth. A cop pressed a pistol to the back of her head. Riley pushed herself up, spitting out the blood. She looked over and saw Dom holding a wrench in the air.

"Dom!" She yelled. Dom smashed it besides Hobbs' head. Riley felt the blood drip down her face. Dom looked at her. Tears were welling up in her eyes. Brian pulled her towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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