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RILEY SAT IN THE SAFE HOUSE. She heard commotion and stood up. Mia walked through the door. Riley let out a breath of relief and hugged the woman. "How long were you in here for?" Mia asks. Riley only looked at the woman. Mia set up a radio for them to listen in.

The doors to the warehouse opened. Mia grabbed a wrench and pulled Riley behind a pillar. "Mia?" Brian asks. The two came out from behind the pillar. Mia ran into Brian's arms. Dom became visible to Riley. She walked over to him and looked up at him.

"Hey, kid." He says. Riley smiled and hugged him tightly. Mia hugged Dom next. Riley ran and hugged Brian.

"Where's Vince?" Mia asks. Brian looked around and nods.

"That's a good question." Brian said. Dom looked at the three and tapped the wrench against his palm. Riley walked over to her seat and flopped down in it.

Dom walked past the two. "He'll be here." Dom tells them. Mia looked at her brother.

"Guys, we're all over the news. They're blaming us for the killing of those DEA agents on the train." Mia explains to them. Riley looked at the three.

Brian and Mia walked over to the radio. "Which means we just jumped to the top of the wanted list." Brian sighed. "The feds have got to show everyone their agents are off limits and they're going to send their best guys. We got to get out of here."

"One thing we know for sure is that they wanted this car." Dom says, standing in front of it. Riley stood up and looked between the three.

"Because something is in it." Riley says. The three look at her. Riley smiled slightly.

Dom nodded to her. "If we find out what it is, we'll know what we're up against." Dom said. Riley opened the passenger door and got inside. Dom bent down besides her. "Sorry had to bring you into this, kid."

Riley looked at him. "It's what she would've wanted. The good part about this...they don't know anything about me, only my name." She says. Dom smiled.

"For your age, you're pretty smart." He tells her. Riley scoffed, causing him to laugh slightly. The four got to work on the car. The doors opened.

"Jesus Christ. What a mess!" Vince spoke as he walked in. Riley looked at Dom.

"Where have you been, man?" Brian asks. Vince chuckles and looked between each person.

Riley cocked one of her eyebrows at him. "You better check that tone." Brian stood up. Riley looked down and started cleaning the tools Dom set down in front of her.

"And you just better answer the goddamn question." Brian tells him. Mia pushed Brian back and shook her head.

"Stop it! Both of you." Mia told them. Riley leaned against the table as Dom walked over there.

"Where were you, Vince?" Dom questions. Vince looked at him. Riley walked over to a window and peeked out of it. Brian glanced at her.

"Guys all over favelas asking about you. Couldn't get out of there without leading them straight to you." Vince explained. "Had to wait them out." Riley scoffed, snapping Vince's attention towards her.

"That is such horseshit. That was your job, and those were your guys!" Brian shouts. The two started shouting at each other. Dom split the two up.

Riley groaned and walked over there. "If he said he didn't do it, he didn't do it." Dom tells him. "Go walk it off." Riley grabbed Brian's arm.

"Cmon, Brian." Riley tells him. The two walk into a room. "His story does not make sense." Riley said. Brown looked at her. "I mean, why wouldn't the guys be chasing Vince?" She asks.

"So, you believe me?" He asks. Riley gave him a look and he smiled at her. "How're you holding up?" Riley shrugs.

"There's an old lady down the road that comes and takes care of me. I told her my name is Letty Diaz." Riley chuckles. Brian looked down. "She's everywhere. Just not here." Brian rubbed her back.

After a while, Riley woke up to Dom yelling. She walked out of her room and saw Vince looking at Dom. "You never listen to me. Not when I told you he was a cop, and not now. You never trust me and look where it's gotten us. Look at our family now. I can't go home! Your sister is stuck in this life! Where's Letty, Dom?" Vince asks, catching Riley's attention.

"Where's Letty?" He asks again. Riley walked towards him and punched him across the face. Brian ran over and pulled her back. Vince looked at her. Riley glared at him, tears filling her eyes. Vince shook his head and walked out. Dom looked at Riley who slammed the door to her room.

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