003, testing

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RILEY AND THE TEAM stood on the platform of the track while Brian tested it out

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RILEY AND THE TEAM stood on the platform of the track while Brian tested it out. Riley heard him driving and he came into view. He got out and looked at them. "How was that one?" He asks.

"Camera caught you." Han told him. Brian looked at them in confusion.

"What? Man, I was milking the hell out of that thing, too." Brian said, walking up. Dom looked at Riley.

"We're gonna need a faster car." They tried and tried with different cars and people. Santos hit the car, causing the team to laugh.

"That's exactly why your ass ain't been driving." Roman says. Gisele was up. Riley leaned against the railing watching her drift and drive.

Han stood next to her. "I think I'm in love." He whispered. Riley looked at him and smiled. Gisele got out of the car.

"That was really solid work. I think camera three still caught you, though." Roman told her. Gisele nods and looks at them.

"Let's do it again." Then it was Riley's turn. She got into the car and sighed.

Roman walked over to her. "You need a booster seat?" Roman asks her. Riley looked at him and took off on the track. She drifted on each turn and switched gears. She came to a stop and heard everyone cheering. "Now, how in the hell?"

Riley got out of the car and looked at them. "Did I do it?!" She asks. Dom walked over to her and picked her up. He spun her around and laughed. Riley sat at a table cleaning the gun she found. Tej and Roman skipped over to her. "What're you two doing?" She asks.

"Babysitting." The two smiled. "No, we're just watching over the baby." Roman said. Riley flipped him off.

"Guys, guys! We have a problem." Mia told them. The three looked over at her.

"The whole team just got burnt." Brian said. The team walked over to them. Riley looked at the screen and saw a picture of herself.

"Now we're all wanted." Mia sighed. Riley sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

"¡Ay dios mío! ¡Ni siquiera tenían una buena foto mía!" Riley said. Dom looked at her. Riley threw her arms out and walked away. Riley leaned against the wall and held the necklace Letty gave her.

"Hey." Dom said. Riley looked at him. "I won't let anyone hurt you, okay?" He tells her. Riley nods. "Come on." They arrived back at the race. Riley sat on the hood of Dom's car, smiling at Gisele.

Gisele stood next to her and wrapped her arm around her shoulders. Riley rested her head on her shoulder. "Hey, Toretto." Hobbs said. Riley looked at him. "You're under arrest."

"Arrest? I don't feel like I'm under arrest. How about you, Brian?" Dom asks. Brian shook his head.

"Nah, not a bit. Not even a little bit." Brian told him. Hobbs smiled slightly.

"Oh, just give it a minute. It'll sink in." Hobbs tells them. Riley looked at the cops and noticed the cross Dom gave Letty. Dom had noticed it to.

Brian shook his head. "We didn't kill those Feds-it was Reyes." Brian told him. Hobbs scoffed.

"I don't give a shit. I'm just here to bring in two assholes whose names hit my desk." Hobbs said harshly. Brian nods.

"Yeah. That sounds like a real hero." Brian said sarcastically. Hobbs began to walk forward.

"That's funny. From a guy who took the oath of a cop, then went against everything it stood for, or some wannabe tough guy prick who beat a man half to death with a socket wrench." Riley looked at Dom. "Yeah, real tough. You turn around and put your hands behind your back."

Dom turned around fully and walked towards Hobbs. "I don't think so." Dom said.

"Your mistake is thinkin' you got a goddamn choice, boy." Hobbs' team aimed their guns at the team. Gisele pulled Riley down and pushed her behind her slightly.

Dom looked at Hobbs' team and smiled. "And your mistake? Thinkin' you're in America. You're a long way from home. This is Brazil!" The Brazilians pulled out their guns and aimed it at Hobbs and his team. Riley smiled at Hobbs.

"Come on, boss, another day. Com on, H, it's a lot of heat." Hobbs' men said. Hobbs nods.

"I'll see you soon, Toretto." Hobbs tells him. Dom smiled and nodded.

Riley crossed her arms. "I look forward to it, cop." Dom agreed. Riley eyed the woman who wore Letty's necklace. Riley walked over to Dom.

"She's wearing Letty's necklace." Riley tells him. Dom looked at her. "Tell me, you'll get it back."

"I'll get it back." Dom nods. The team returned to base. They were testing out the cameras again. Dom had gotten Letty's necklace back and had given it to Riley.

Riley fiddled with the silver necklace. After a while, Gisele had drove the boys to a police station to get police cars. The next day, Mia and Riley went to the supermarket. "Can we get some cantaloupe?" She asks. Mia smiled and grabbed one. Vince came and grabbed the two girls.

"Vince, what're you doing?" Mia asks. He led the two girls out of the market.

"Quiet, they've been tracking you two." He tells them. Reyes' men got out of the car. They arrived back at headquarters. Riley had a scowl on her face. Brian walked toward him but Mia stopped him.

"No, it's okay. Hey, wait." She tells him. "Reyes' guys were waiting for us at the market. Vince saved our life." Mia explained to Brian.

Riley looked at Roman and Tej who nodded to her. "You hungry?" Dom asks him.

"Yeah, sure." Vince nods. Dom looked at him and stood up from working on a map.

Riley looked at the him. "Good. 'Cause you're saying grace." Dom told him.

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