In the void.

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Trapped entirely,gotta escape the void.

(Please excuse the time skips,I lost focus and got distracted)

The meeting had ended.Giyuu was finally free to get back to his lavish estate.He didn't deserve it.He deserved nothing.Only the lowest.Nothing he has is deserved.His mind raced with horrible thoughts as he sloppily trotted against the gravel,he darted into his house and triple locked the door,almost as if it was a safe.He somehow found himself in the kitchen,eyes bearing shiny and salty specs of water,he walked to his fridge and chugged 4 bottles of water.Shinobu had warned him he had symptoms of dehydration due to lack of care for his own body.Once again,he had found himself eating, chopping up veggies to go into his ramen,except,vegetables weren't the only thing being cut,his body slumped to the floor as he lays his head against his thighs whilst sobbing uncontrollably.His wrists were so done with his antics.Everything about his body has given up.He had lost weight,gained weight,lost weight again and gained muscle.Nobody could save him from his own mind,the void he had created that he just had to escape.You know the saying?'Gotta escape that void,there is no other choice'.He tried to turn down the thoughts,the horrid visions.He had to escape the void.It felt as if being tangled in his own intestines.Blood seeped through the wide cracks bestowed by the blade upon his wrist.How did he let it get to this point?He passed out.It all went dark,sometimes previously yet still in the present,he wishes it was forver.The sweet yet suffocating release of his life.He wants it so badly it's like it had hypnotized him,it was the only thing he could think of.Sanemi had figured out all of his fickle insecurities and not turned them to beauty,yet instead he had mocked and shamed them.
Hours later,Giyuu had woken up,he had a bandage supply in his cupboard due to how often this happens.He quickly rolled some of the clean white bandage over his freshly laid scars.Maybe one day,he could alchemize his void of thoughts.He suddenly panicked as he realised the time,11:30.The hashira meeting had started at 11:00.He was useless again and was late.Why does he even bother?
He stumbled onto his knees beside the other hashira and croaked in a pathetic attempt of speech "My deepest apologies master." As he kneeled before the blind man.Sanemi shoots him the dirtiest of looks.
"It really is okay my child,do not worry,it happens to the best of us"
Ubayashiki responded in a warm,kind tone.He knew Giyuu had struggled with alot but he just wasn't aware of how drastic the measures he may have to take will be.
Halfway through the meeting,Giyuu felt a cold liquid pass through his terribly wrapped wrist.'What the fuck am I going to do.'Giyuu broke into a cold sweat,his eyes darting around the landscape before him.His breathing pattern soon grew weak and irregular.NO NO NO!!YOU CANT HAVE A PANIC ATTACK INFRONT OF THE HASHIRAS!!YOU ARE DISGUSTING,PATHETIC AND ATTENTION SEEKING!! Giyuu's lips pursed tightly and he raised his hand "Yes,my child?" Ubayashiki hummed sweetly "H-hmm h-huh..P-please may I excuse myself?"You could practically hear Giyuu's empty heart smash repeatedly against his chest."Very well,I shall chat to you later." Sanemi suddenly speaks up "And what exactly do you need to be excused for?" Giyuu's pupils dialate and shrink in a drumming rhythm as Sanemi's eyes dart towards a drop of blood on his wrist. "Huh.. What's that then, Tomioka?" Sanemi smirked as he grabs Giyuu's wrist.Giyuu pulled away instantly but it was too late,the poorly wrapped bandage had been pulled off.Sanemi had pulled up his sleeve aswell.All of the 7 years collection of infected and healed scars were on display to every hashira.Giyuu froze.


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